Header Board for AT90CAN128

Replacement: None. It's time for this product to step aside and make room in the catalog for even more cool stuff. This page is for reference only.

A custom header board for AT90CAN128 AVR microcontroller with filtering capacitors, 10 pin STK ICSP port, 10 pin JTAG port, and extension ports to every pin. Comes fully assembled and tested.

The picture shows ATMega128 but the board ships with AT90CAN128 installed. * ICSP 5x2 pin connector for in-circuit programming with AVR-PG1B or AVR-PG2B * JTAG 5x2 pin connector for in-circuit debugging with AVR-JTAG or AVR-JTAG-USB * 16MHz oscillator circuit * 32.768 kHz oscillator circuit * AT90CAN128 AVR microcontroller * Reset IC ZM33064 * +5V voltage regulator LM78L05 * Power supply filtering capacitors * Digital-Analog GND jumper * Digital-Analog VCC jumper * Extension pin headers for each uC pin

  • 47x47 mm (1.85x1.85")


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