RooTooth - Bluetooth Wireless Roomba Connection

A cable-less solution developed for controlling your Roomba. The RooTooth v2 communicates with any Bluetooth**® **enabled device using the Serial Port Profile (SPP). You can now tell the Roomba when to wake up, when to clean, and when to shut off. You can even remotely drive your Roomba from your computer or from the WiTilt!

This product requires that the SCI (serial command interface) has been installed on your Roomba. SCI has been installed on all Roombas manufactured after October 24th, 2005. Please verify that your Roomba is compatible by checking here.

The new RooTooths are based on the Roving Network bluetooth module. The command set has changed from the original user guide written by Roomba Dev Tools. The new datasheet is below.

The Rootooths are configured to 57600bps to work at the Roomba's default communication rate.


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We welcome your comments and suggestions below. However, if you are looking for solutions to technical questions please see our Technical Assistance page.

  • Rafaguerr / about 16 years ago / 2

    Pages in are broken. Can't download SCITester

  • Member #449667 / about 12 years ago / 1

    Interesting this seems to come back alive at kickstarter

  • Member #325268 / about 13 years ago / 1

    resume services Hi this is a very smart works and good works thanks

  • 130s / about 13 years ago * / 1

    Link for "RooTooth User Guide" says not found.

    In search for the document, I found on Google this link ( that looks closer to what I want, but I suspect that this doc might be an old version of RooTooth, since even the simplest command like AT doesn't return anything, same as all other commands that are described in the doc.

    However, for random input (e.g. "+", "S") my Roomba plays a song that I've never heard and starts moving, which indicates connection b/w computer & Roomba is established. This is why I'm suspecting that I might not know the right commands for computer & RooTooth.

  • I finally decided how to spend my free day winnings, but then this went OOS. Are you planning on getting more in soon(before my gift card expires) or should I look into plan B? Thanks!!

  • computerescue / about 13 years ago / 1

    Please excuse cause seems I must be stupid. If one has a bluetooth usb dongle, a Roostick, & 7-pin din cable, then why would one need this?
    Given the design flaw, then why doesn't another version dev being sold?

  • DayBlur / about 14 years ago / 1

    I'm considering purchasing this, but from the schematic it looks like there is a pullup on PIO7 which would always force the module to start up at 9600 baud, regardless of the configured setting. There seem to be several forum posts supporting the existence of this error. Can someone on the SparkFun staff comment on the issue?

  • Tripiparka / about 14 years ago / 1

    what's the range on this unit?

  • Solaria / about 15 years ago / 1

    Will RooTooth work with the Series 500 Romba? They default to 115K bps; is it possible to reconfigure the RooTooth to match?
    Also: I hear "Roomba Status" works better than "SCITester":

  • Rafaguerr / about 16 years ago / 1

    Please, can't find Mitsumi BlueSmirf AT command set

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