Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - LIS302DL

Replacement: None. There is no direct replacement for this item. This page is for reference only.

This is a compact breakout board for the LIS302DL. The LIS302DL is a really impressive little IC. Low cost, digital interface, small footprint, easy to use, and it has some great features built in. If all you need is 8-bit resolution, this is the digital triple axis accelerometer to use.

  • 2.16-3.6V @ 0.3mA
  • I2C Interface
  • +/-2g / +/-8g selectable
  • 8-bit resolution
  • Click and double click recognition
  • Programmable interrupt generator
  • Free fall detection
  • 0x55x0.6"


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  • MarcusInteractive-Matter / about 16 years ago / 2

    If anybody is interested: I have written up some arduino code for the LIS302DL.

    • KillerSpud / about 15 years ago / 1

      Thats an awesome sketch! I had mine working in only a couple minutes. Big ^5!

  • Pinky / about 14 years ago / 1

    On the breakout board SDA (I2C serial data, pin 13 on the chip) was broken out to a terminal marked MOSI.
    I'm an electronics n00b and maybe that's standard terminology for SDA, but it took me a magnifying glass to work out the SMD wiring to discover that it actually was the MOSI breakout terminal.
    Then the sketch by MarcusInteractive-Matter worked a treat - cheers mate!

  • Zephyrcat / about 15 years ago / 1

    This is probably a dumb question, but does this breakout board and other Sparkfun breakouts include the chips (in this case the LIS302DL) or do you have to buy that separately?

    • jimblom / about 15 years ago / 1

      This breakout board and most of the others in the sensor category come with all components soldered on.
      In most cases the pictures on the product page will show you exactly what you'll be getting.

  • malem / about 15 years ago / 1

    There's a 16 bit version of this chip now, the LIS302DLH, and it is in production. It appears to be pin compatible.
    Do you plan on migrating to it?

  • Huss / about 15 years ago / 1

    I think I cleared up my confusion with this module, I have just been trawling through the internet reading anything vaguely related to the LIS302DL. I must have read the data sheet 10 times over.
    Anyway I just had to realise that the output was a 2's complement number and that you have to multiply it by the sensitivity.
    This great application note helped a lot. Perhaps spark fun should consider adding the link to product page.

  • Huss / about 15 years ago / 1

    Hi, I'm having some trouble with this little sensor. I have it connected to my microcontroller via i2c and this is working because I can read the "who am I" register correctly.
    So when I read the X,Y and Z registers (every 100ms) I output the decimal values to my screen there is some noise on the X and Z values but very small, however on the Y values it jumps from 0 to 255. Is the Y register corrupted? Also what are the units for the decimal numbers I am seeing on my screen?
    Any help would be great! I think I'm almost there with getting it to work.
    Many thanks

  • LucasV / about 16 years ago / 1

    Are the alarm thresholds (to have a chip wakeup upon movement) stored in flash or are they lost each time power is lost? The data sheet never really stated this. thanks!

  • Dale3 / about 16 years ago / 1

    Any advice on resetting the lis302dl? There are time when I'm using it with my arduino that I reset the arduino and afterwards it cannot communicate w/ the lis302dl. I have to powercycle the lis302dl.
    I suspect a communication was happening between the arduino and lis302dl over i2c and was interrupted which left the lis302dl in a state waiting for the arduino to complete the communication...but it never will.
    So I'm wondering what would be a good way to reset the lis302dl leveraging the reset pin on the arduino.
    Any ideas?

    • MattTheGeek / about 16 years ago / 1

      Hmm... Maybe you could power the LIS302DL via the ardunio, and you can automatically reset. Don't know it would work or not, But i think the ardunio can Source 40mA so it should. If not, use a transistor.

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