SparkFun Kickstarter Update

Updating you on our Kickstarter progress

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It has now been a full week since we launched the SparkFun National Tour Kickstarter, a Kickstarter aimed at funding a tour across the country teaching electronics to educators in schools, libraries, and after-school programs.

Today, we want to pass on some updates. It's been really exciting to watch the initial wave of early adopters make their donations and we offer our sincere thanks! We're also excited to announce a couple additions to the Kickstarter backing levels (including a new t-shirt level!). Check out the video for more:

As I write this, we've raised just a touch over $16,000 of our $150,000 goal - so we've got a long ways to go, but we're on our way! Please join us by donating or simply spreading the word to your friends. Help make electronics part of the classroom!

Comments 4 comments

  • SoSpartan / about 12 years ago / 2

    Dang Dave!!! Hawt much? Also, I like this shirt the best of all the SFE shirts too!

  • This is my favorite of the sparkfun shirts. Nicely done!

  • Valkir / about 12 years ago / 1

    Why don't you come to Canada?!?!

    • superkittens / about 12 years ago * / 3

      As much as I would LOVE to see SFE come to our home turf (Canada), covering the entire US is already on its own, an ambitious undertaking and if it takes $150 000 to do the entire US, I imagine it would cost just as much to do Canada as well (maybe more since there might be some customs duties shenanigans I'm probably missing). $150k is comparatively a more reasonable goal on Kickstarter than say, $300k. would be funny to see the SFE crew helping us northern folk make simon kits in our igloos while fending off polar bears with soldering irons and the Heaterizer XL3000 (this is where you can put your primal scream to practical use). I hope you do a Canadian tour in the near future, Sparkfun. Good luck!

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