Engineering Roundtable - Infrared Transmission with the IR Shark!

Check out Chris Taylor's latest mischievous project.

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In today's edition of "Engineering Roundtable," SparkFun Engineer and all-around swell guy Chris Taylor discusses infrared protocol and his newest project - the IR Shark.

Inspired by the TV-b-Gone, Chris' project uses infrared technology to not only transmit IR TV commands, but to capture and save them as well. This gives Chris the power to turn on and off other people's TVs at will and also grants him access to more controls (like channel up and down or volume).



Vimeo version can be found here

You can find the Ken Shirriff's IR library for Arduino here. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments section below.

Comments 11 comments

  • Calif / about 11 years ago / 5

    Thought this video was about getting bigger biceps.

  • Nomad / about 11 years ago / 3

    My life for IR!

  • I thought about a laser tag cheater when I thought of this. Point your gun at this box, pull the trigger, and you have a laser tag gun without the weakness. Although it doesn't work if its one of those strictly laser ones.

  • NL / about 11 years ago / 1

    Very nice presentation. Well explained. Thanks.

  • CommitteeoftheUn-named / about 11 years ago / 1

    Great video! 438 THz is a fun band to play.

  • vind0 / about 11 years ago / 1

    I remember reading about a similar project a while back. Seems like fun.

  • Ohhh I see, I never quite understood the whole infrared dealio entirely. Thanks!

  • erebus / about 11 years ago / 1

    Odd how well Sparkfun can read my mind. I was just talking to my boss about making something to control her office heat pump so that it can be turned on before anyone gets to the building so that the room is nice and warm when people arrive. Great explanation to how this all works! Are you going to put a IR Shark tutorial up?

    • RyeMAC3 / about 11 years ago / 1

      Don't hold your breath. They promised us one over a month ago for the The Uncertain 7-Cube. Still waiting.

      • Why? It's been live for weeks:

      • MTC_Joe / about 11 years ago / 1 has had the uncertain 7 cube for a couple weeks. I'm pretty sure they even referenced to it in a previous blog post.

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