SparkFun Live: Temperature-sensing Lunchbox

It's time for another SparkFun Live!

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Greetings humans. It's time once again for everyone's favorite live community project build extravaganza fest, where ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. For this edition of SparkFun Live, which will take place on Tuesday, April 8 at 3:00 MT, Evan in Tech Support will show us how to build a temperature-sensing lunchbox, so you can keep an eye on the decomposition rate of your snack pack in the hot summer months.



If you'd like to join us, and we do hope you will (what if something catches on fire or Evan makes a hilarious joke?), you can find the wishlist of parts here, and the GitHub code here. See you in a couple weeks!

Comments 9 comments

  • Where can I get the lunchbox! Seriously though...

    • I found it, but, how do I make it? Or, how did you make it? I don't have a 3D printer.

      • Chelsea the Destroyer / about 10 years ago / 4

        Hi Conn! Glad you like our lunchbox - we had them made for SparkFun's 10th anniversary last year. We ordered our lunchboxes from here (also in the project wishlist) - Evan painted his red - and graphics guru Nic designed the image on it, which you can find a pdf of here.

        • OldFar-SeeingArt / about 10 years ago / 1

          Chelsea the Destroyer: AWESOME!!! Thank you for that link! *Why? Because metal lunchboxen make the BEST cases for just about any project!

          *Most local stores here sell only plastic lunch box crap - not metal like I grew up with. I fondly remember my "Road Runner" box I used to carry my tech-tools to college. Yes, was Wood Burning Tool; is soldering iron.

          *I especially like the first thing I found there: "Dia de los Muertos Lunchbox".

          *Oh, we gonna have fun now, yass, we gonna have fun now!

  • Blacklab1 / about 10 years ago * / 1

    Good morning Mr Phelps,

    Your mission should you decide to accept it, is to add a tilt sensor/ door opening switch to your lunch box to set off a loud alert of "Let go of my Eggos !!!" if your lunch box is being tampered with. Remember should you decide to accept this Mr Phelps the speaker inside of your lunch boxes needs to be water proof in nature for this action.

    Also Mr. Phelps you would then have an excuse to add the Sparkfun Bluetooth Breakout board to tell your personal phone that your lunch is being hijacked or it's getting too warm too.

    It could also be handy in your missions to have the Bluetooth on your phone set off a vibration motor in your lunch box to scare your cat, or your friends, or other unsavory characters playing with your lunch with a vibrating lunch pail. Though the Secretary of State will disavow any knowledge if your lunch catches on fire. She does suggest using the Bluetooth to control a locking device on said lunch pail, to keep your lunch safe.

    "As always, should you or any of your I.M. Force be caught or killed while making this lunch box, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions."

    "This Message will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

  • I have an older 5V ProMini which came for free from Sparkfun a couple of moths ago. Similiar enough for this project?

    • M-Short / about 10 years ago / 1

      Even the oldest Pro Minis we've ever made are basically the same so I don't see why not. Any 5V Pro Mini should work. Also, check out Arduino Day if you need a new one .

  • Do we need a FTDI programmer for the Arduino board?

    • Improvised Dynamics / about 10 years ago * / 1

      Yes. That has been added to the wishlist.

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