Shipping Delay on Friday

SparkFun is expanding!

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Shipping will be shut down on Friday September 19th. Please feel free to contact us if you have a problem, but realize we're currently backed up with orders and the move into the new space.
You may or may not have noticed, but we've been growing a bit. These are images of our new space! We're doubling the size of our commercial space from 13,000 to 26,000.
Shipping is desperately out of space. Production is expanding. This new space will allow us to grow significantly but it will jam up shipping badly for a few days.
Please bear with us! SparkFun offices (that still sounds funny to me) will be open for business as usual on Friday. We will ship as many orders as we can Thursday afternoon resuming normal shipping operations Monday morning.

Oh - and if you ever want to see the madness, we love to give tours. Just shoot us an email (spark at and we'd be happy set something up.

Comments 12 comments

  • KH / about 16 years ago / 2

    WOW! I remember when I ordered from you guys along time ago and I had to email you guys about something and you were like "yeah theres only two of us so if you have any problems...." You guys rock and will be as big as google one day. Everyone will have sparkfun gadgets. Its all about bringing the future to the masses.

  • ianhan / about 16 years ago / 2

    Love the new digs.. Keep on growing, you guys are the antonym to DigiKey.

  • bilgun / about 16 years ago / 1

    pleaaaaaaase when GM862-GPS or its evaluation board -USB is available.. i'm really in hurry. i want to use it for my graduation work. but its deadline is coming.
    please at least send me info about when its available.

  • JohnN / about 16 years ago / 1

    congrats on the new space, glad to hear a good company is doing well. you guys deserve it.

  • This is great news and I'm really glad you're expanding. You guys deserve it.
    I'd love to see a page dedicated to the history of Sparkfun with pictures of your growth.
    Keep putting a human face on the products and descriptions...that's what keeps me coming back.

  • Gene / about 16 years ago / 1

    Hey, how about adding some Stellaris Cortex units? Also how about Beagleboards or similar clones using the TI OMAP units?

    • We've had some conversations with TI about carrying the Beagleboard but Digikey has the exclusive for now. Looks like an awesome board!

  • Capdiamont / about 16 years ago / 1

    I just thought it is in reference your photo's look bare, as in a nice pun.

  • MikeYancey / about 16 years ago / 1

    Congratulations on your continued growth and success. These are the right problems to have!
    Mike Y
    Dallas, Texas

  • stevech / about 16 years ago / 1

    Re "Please bare with us! SparkFun offices "...
    Considering my physique, SparkFun may prefer that instead, I "bear" with them. Now there may be some on the staff to "bare" with.

    • Dah - that's what I get for google spelling. Google 'please bare with us' (27 million pages) and 'please bear with us' (3 million). I should have actually read the pages. Thank goodness I have an edit button. Now you'll never know...

  • Ben / about 16 years ago / 1

    Great to heae!!! You guys are so awesome and I'm glad you're growing!

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