Retail Packaging at Maker Faire and Our Catalog

We'll have the LilyPad kits available for sale at the Maker Shed. And we now have a PDF catalog!

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We've been running around madly getting ready for Maker Faire Austin (we leave in 24 hours!) and thought you might like to see what's become of it. We're bringing two kits for sale in the Maker Shed: the LilyPad Pro Kit and the LilyPad E-Sewing Kit. They'll be available in this snazzy packaging with label (check it out - we have our own valid UPC!).

The E-Sewing Kit is a great intro kit for anyone who wants to experiment with wearable electronics. You need only a needle to sew in the conductive thread, and you'll be able to add LEDs and buttons to any piece of clothing.

The Pro Kit takes it one step further. The LilyPad mainboard can be programmed to control multiple LEDs, inputs, switches, and sensors. For a great example, checkout Leah's tutorial.

We aren't exactly sure where our booth will be at Maker Faire, but if you're around, please stop by and say hi!
We now have over 1200 products! It's a bit mind blowing really. How does one navigate these cohesively? We now do offer a PDF of the complete list of our products! At only 24 pages (3MB), you get every product we offer with a small color photo, name, price, and SKU. Great for those long flights where SkyMall just won't cut it.

Comments 16 comments

  • kurf / about 16 years ago / 2

    Looks like I found some "art work" for my bare apartment.

  • pyrofx / about 16 years ago / 2

    The Simon SMT soldering workshop was very fun even it was limited to a small group. You really had to letch around to make sure to get in. I'm sure they were tired of me and my 10 year old son hanging around. We didn't make the cut on Saturday but were determined to not miss the fun.
    SF staff was very friendly and highly interactive with the crowd and their booth was always well attended by a large group of people.
    Great job guys! Rest up and hope to see you next year.

    • trevor / about 16 years ago / 1

      Hi pyrofx,
      Actually, we greatly appreciated you and your son Sunday at the surface mount soldering workshop. SMD soldering is intimidating to a lot of adults, so it's gratifying to see ten-year-olds with absolutely no fear of jumping in and making something themselves.

  • Wow - what a great booth at Austin Maker Faire! The tron lightcycle game and push-button tetris were real hits. Thank you for attending.

  • Ocean Controls / about 16 years ago / 2

    Products list is great. If you add links on each item you won't even need to cut and paste to search for the item on the website to get more details.

    • trevor / about 16 years ago / 1

      Fantastic idea! I'll see what I can do to get that happening.

      • trevor / about 16 years ago / 1

        OK, hyperlinks in the .pdf are now implemented. Click on a product name, and the product's page should open in your browser. Thanks again for the idea.

  • TheDude06 / about 16 years ago / 2

    The PDF is great! Is this a safe crowd to admit that a poster version of that would look /great/ on my wall?

  • sindre / about 16 years ago / 1

    Just wanted to let you know that the hyperlinks are wrong. I've only tried a few, but they were all wrong. Example is the GPS MiniMod wich links to Copenicus module (the entry before). It seems all links in the pdf actually to the previous product in the catalog.

  • JRiggles / about 16 years ago / 1

    Well, the links are up in the PDF - which is awesome. The pictures, however, seem to have disappeared - which is not awesome... :( Either way, great work (once again) by SFE. I'm glad to see you guys are doing so well.

    • Images are back, links are there, everything works!
      For reference to all: this PDF is automatically regenerated every morning before the start of the business day (mountain time) so that new products and other changes are picked up within 24 hours. You can always tell the freshness of your catalog PDF by checking the date at the top of the document.

      • JRiggles / about 16 years ago / 1

        Awesome :D I love how quickly everything gets fixed around here.

  • Eric4 / about 16 years ago / 1

    I enjoyed the soldering workshop at Maker Faire. There were fewer booths than I expected that had hands-on, make something activities so being able to sit down and put the LED kit together was a treat. Thanks for coming.

  • jher / about 16 years ago / 1

    I was disappointed to miss out on the surface mount demos. I stopped by the booth about 4 times to see when the demo was and only got a straight answer once, which was 6pm on saturday...way after I had to leave. Sunday it seems you ran out of kits before noon!!
    Hope you come back next year and have more kits, I really wanted to try out that demo!

    • trevor / about 16 years ago / 1

      Hi jher,
      Sorry about that. We learned a lot from our workshops at this Faire, and I think that we will do a much better job about communicating exactly when the SMD workshops will be at future Faires.

  • Louis / about 16 years ago / 1

    Looking forward to seeing you guys here in Austin. Have a good trip.

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