Meetup In Boston

Catching up with SparkFun/Make friends, and inspecting bars in Boston.

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I just heard from Jay (of Drawdio fame) that Dale (of Make fame) is putting on a maker meetup. If you're in/around Boston, I'll be heading towards Publick House (6:30-8:30PM). Because beer is good. And because I'll be in town for a meeting on open source hardware.

What is Drawdio?

Imagine you could draw musical instruments on normal paper with any pencil (cheap circuit thumb-tacked on) and then play them with your finger. The Drawdio circuit-craft lets you MacGyver your everyday objects into musical instruments: paintbrushes, macaroni, trees, grandpa, even the kitchen sink...

Comments 2 comments

  • neg / about 15 years ago / 1

    Seriously guys, what is up with your RSS feed? it's all over the place showing newsposts that don't exist.

    • Oh that. That's what happens when the IT folks don't check the 'Visible' boolean. You were reading posts that we are working on, that shouldn't have been live. Fixed now!

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