Tutorials Galore and Class Times

New buying guide for Wireless and we've posted our super fancy printed ads. Class times at Maker Faire are now available as well.

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Marketing is doing a fabulous job of promoting the SparkFun crowd. Checkout the latest ad:


Michael Cooper jumping off an 400 foot cliff in Moab. Amazing!

We've been placing print ads for about a year now in the magazines that we think you read (Make, Circuit Cellar, Servo, and Nuts and Volts). We realized that there are probably a large group of people who haven't gotten the benefit of seeing these great pictures in print, so we posted the images for the general public. If you know of another good publication we should be advertising in, let us know!


We've completed a quick and dirty break down of the wireless options that SparkFun carries. Because we sell a lot of what is in the guide, the wireless buying guide is admittedly biased. But we hope you can get some good info from it.

We hope to see you at our booth at Maker Faire! We've got a handful of blinky things planned, and quite a lot of soldering classes. Because the classes can fill up pretty quickly, we're trying something new this year: We are going to have a sign up sheet at the SparkFun booth for the SMD soldering workshop. Anyone interested in the SMD workshop may sign up and make their donation ahead of time. Signing up and making a donation does guarantee your seat, but only for a short 15 minutes window after the class starts.

The PTH kit workshops will going on continuously all day long (both days), first-come first-served.  Please be aware that if you do not show up within 15 minutes of the start of the class, we will have to give your seat to the next person. We will be offering 5 different SMD soldering workshops throughout MakerFaire. Please stop by and sign up for whichever one works best for you!

SMD workshop schedule is as follows:


Comments 12 comments

  • Calif / about 15 years ago / 4

    Jumping off an 400ft cliff definitely captures the feeling of buying $300 of Sparkfun parts.

  • mdoyle / about 15 years ago / 2

    Imagine my shock seeing the personal exhortation, "Be careful out there, Michael"! Great ad.

  • Brad Walker / about 15 years ago / 1

    The ad was great..
    I'm curious about something.. I work over at Ericsson across the creek from your office. I spend all day looking at a computer screen. When you guys do the IRC thing on Wed., can I just stop by instead of being online..
    I really need a break from the computer and talking in person with a bunch of geeks is a lot of fun also..
    I can bring beer.. 8-)

  • womble / about 15 years ago / 1

    I did the SMD class on Sunday and it was totally awesome. The instructors and setup were great and I was seriously buzzed when the board I built worked - complete with a SMD AVR microcontroller chip and some parts so small I could hardly see them but somehow managed to solder anyway.

    • Thanks for coming out! We are glad you enjoyed it. The teaching crew did a great job. Let us know if we can do anything to make future classes better.

  • KenW / about 15 years ago / 1

    I've just recently started reading 'Robot' magazine. It's a bi-monthly, but the topic couldn't be better aligned with your products.

    • Thanks! I have not seen Robotics or Elektor (heard of them tho). We'll take a look.

  • Elektor is a very popular European magazine that has been around for a long time. It just started publishing in the USA though. Both the European and the USA edition would be great candidates for your ads.

  • We will be adding some more behind-the-scenes info on each ad shoot, including a couple of video interviews from two of the upcoming ads.

  • drex / about 15 years ago / 1

    when i look at the ad i think of base jumping

  • MotoZarkov / about 15 years ago / 1

    Great ad, wish I could see them in print. One mag that I read regularly is Servo Magazine. It is an offshoot of Nuts & Volts.

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