Enginursday: How to Develop a Package for Microsoft MakeCode

I'm doing a whole lot of package development for Microsoft MakeCode; let's take a closer look at how it works.

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Microsoft MakeCode is a quite powerful, block-based coding language useful for anybody trying to learn how to code. However, creating packages for this language is sometimes a little difficult. I've developed quite a few of these packages in the past and figured that the somewhat unclear process could use some documentation for posterity. The below tutorial will get you developing your own MakeCode packages in no time.

How to Create a MakeCode Package for Micro:Bit

April 16, 2019

Learn how to develop code blocks for the Micro:bit in Microsoft MakeCode!

Comments 6 comments

  • I want learn it.

  • Doctor Who / about 5 years ago / 1

    Okay Member #(Number hidden) how did you accomplish the programming of the little guy from a RPi Zero v.1.3 device? That sounds even more fantastic then some of the other ideas I have seen take shape for that same platform.

    • Member #1272652 / about 5 years ago / 1

      I imagine that, once connected by USB and SSH, RPi Zero is just like an additional peripheral, or maybe I should say it's like the RPi has a full screen(withGPU) and keyboard, even if airgapped before connecting to micro:bit. One thing MakeCode kind of impressed upon me is that for general programming, the specific hardware, or OS, is becoming less important than a good 'net connection. I think it can even be done on an Android phone.

  • Member #134773 / about 5 years ago / 1

    I, for one, appreciate the tutorial, even though I don't have time to read it in detail at the moment. (Nice to know it's based on javascript, so even though you appear to be using a M$ Window$ machine, it should work for those of us who prefer OS-X or Linux....) I know that the basic "Make:Code" is platform independant, having even programmed a micro:bit from a RPi Zero v.1.3 (the $5 one!), as well as a MacBook Pro.

    • Exactly! Since your code is compiled on the web and flashed to the Micro:Bit over UF2, platform independence is a huge draw with this. There may be some differences between a UNIX based OS and Windows however (I'm looking at you, sudo npm install) so keep those in mind if things aren't installing properly.

  • Great Read!

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