Happy Holidays from SparkFun!

Have a safe and happy holiday, everyone!

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Hello everyone! We just wanted to give you a heads up that SparkFun will be closed Wednesday, December 25th, and Thursday, December 26th (though we will still have our regularly scheduled Enginursday post), for the Christmas holiday. We will be back Friday with new products! It's a bit of an odd holiday schedule, we know, but in the meantime we'll be eating cookies and enjoying our favorite holiday movies.

Die Hard is a Christmas movie.

As a quick aside, we are running low on our Limited Edition Artemis SnowBoard. If you haven't picked one up yet this will be your last chance. Click here to find out how to get your board for free!

If you're celebrating, enjoy some downtime and thank you for all your support this year!

Comments 1 comment

  • Member #134773 / about 5 years ago / 2

    I want to wish each and every one at SparkFun a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or what ever holiday YOU choose to celebrate! I am sincerely grateful for your efforts to serve the Maker community, and I thank you!

    And also Happy Holidays to my fellow customers!

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