Maker Faire New York

SparkFun is heading to the Big Apple!

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For a while now, there have been calls for a Maker Faire on the East Coast. Well, consider your voices heard! On September 25th and 26th at the New York Hall of Science, there is going to be a World Maker Faire - and SparkFun will be there!

Keeping up with tradition, SparkFun will be an official sponsor of the event and we will be running our popular soldering workshops! We have not decided which kits we are going to bring yet, but once we do we'll announce them here on the homepage.

So yeah - we are pretty excited about this one. In the epic words of Billy Joel, you could say we are in a "New York State of Mind." So what should we do while we are in the Big Apple? Is there a good place for 20-some-odd hungry geeks to get their grub on in Queens? We hope to see many of you out there!

Comments 15 comments

  • It's about time! Great to see a Maker Faire in NYC. I'll definitely be there.

  • Doctor Who / about 14 years ago / 1

    To quote a certain lovable Princess, "Count me in!". I will definitely be there.

  • rglenn / about 14 years ago / 1

    Looking forward to meeting you guys! I'd love it if you could bring some SFE Swag - especially the safety glasses. I need a new pair :S

  • Shifted / about 14 years ago / 1

    Take a ride on the Staten Island Ferries, if you happen to get on one of the newer three (the Spirit of America, the Molanari, or the Marchi), you can thank me for the safe ride across :) I designed a lot of the control systems for the machinery plant on those three vessels.
    We also designed the throttle command and feedback system. They are double ended Ferries, so there's a pilot house, propeller, and rudder on each end. When they get to one side, the pilot gets out, walks to the other end, and drives it back, it never turns around.

  • Striker121 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Awesome! I knew about the Faire but didn't know if Sparkfun was going to be there, I'll definatly be there!

  • TopherTheME / about 14 years ago / 1

    Where were you guys during the Detroit maker fair? I looked everywhere for you.

  • TheAnalogKid / about 14 years ago / 1

    Is that Sparkfun's symbol on top of the Statue of Liberty?

  • elproducts / about 14 years ago / 1

    Why didn't you guys come to the Detroit Maker Faire?

  • madsci1016 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Now what about the South end of the East Coast?

    • BBB / about 14 years ago / 1

      Yeah Orlando sounds good. Unfortunately the Make people expect us locals to organize it. Darn :)

      • madsci1016 / about 14 years ago / 1

        Orlando or Atlanta and I would definitely make the trip. I'd help organize one here in Panama City, but i don't think there are enough hobbyist locals to do it.

  • Can't wait to see all you wonderful SparkFunians here in NYC!

  • I suggest you should try new kits like the ClockIt kit or possibly the audio amplifier. So I would love if you got new kits or just the popular kits and since I live in Connecticut I'm pretty sure my parents can take me! I am so excited I can't wait!

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