Maker Faire New York Recap Video

Couldn't make it to Maker Faire? Check out the video!

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First off, thank you to everyone who came out for the SparkFun Open House on Saturday. We had a great time seeing old friends, meeting new people, and just showing everyone what SparkFun is all about. We ended up having just about 650 people come by our headquarters, the weather cooperated (it was a beautiful day), and we had a great time! Thanks again!

Now on to business - the Maker Faire New York recap video! After holding our event yesterday, it seems appropriate to post this video. If you weren't able to make the trip out to New York back in September, this video hits some of the highlights and will show you just how awesome the faire is! Enjoy!

Comments 15 comments

  • Young Maker / about 13 years ago / 3

    Dang. Thats me with space invaders dudes! Wow. i didnt think they would put that in there.... lol YAY

  • generalgeek314 / about 13 years ago / 1

    I'm the one walking in during the very beginning, wearing an Angry Birds shirt (my face looks like I'm cringing...)

  • cSu7xFSE / about 13 years ago / 1

    Cool! I was there too

  • cSu7xFSE / about 13 years ago / 1

    I never thought i would be in there!

  • I couldn't go ;_; at least that let me play soccer that day. (It's been so rainy lately that only 3 of the games have been played. The season started in September...)
    Oh, and this is my first comment posted in Ubuntu 11.10! It's so awesome I think I'll install it...

  • Were those Sparkfun Magnetic Dominoes?
    (sounds like a new product.)

  • Blueblast88 / about 13 years ago / 1


  • Earlz / about 13 years ago / 1

    Am I the only one experiencing 404 errors when going to any news link in Firefox 7? For example: yields a 404 error in Firefox, but not in Chrome

    • HolyDiver / about 13 years ago / 1

      Use Chrome, fix the world's problems

    • If you're using the EFF's HTTPS Everywhere, disabling it for will likely solve this problem. We don't yet support https for news items and a few other areas of the site.

      • Earlz / about 13 years ago / 1

        Ah that was it. I knew an issue like that had to be something on my side. :)

  • kevink / about 13 years ago / 1

    Looks like lots of fun. Too bad I live 8000 miles away from New York :(

  • tommyschw / about 13 years ago /

    I can't wait until next year! I had a blast!

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