Over 500 curated and proven EAGLE design files to help you get started
A breadboard is a solderless electronic circuit builder - perfect for proving your concept.
Everything you need to know to get started using EAGLE.
EAGLE's thousands of library files can be overwhelming. We have more than 500 curated, proven design files for your use. 1) Grab them in GitHub, 2) drag-and-drop a ULP file into an open EAGLE schematic, or 3) find single product design files on product pages or in GitHub (note for product files: individual board files are in "Hardware" directory and EAGLE panels are in the "Production" directory).
Guide to using ULP file GitHub EAGLE Libraries GitHub Product Files
Designing a schematic is the first step in PCB design. A well-designed schematic is critical to the whole process.
Laying out a board is the second step in PCB design. Within EAGLE's board layout tool you create a finished PCB design.
This step insures that a manufacturer can successfully fabriate your PCB. With SparkFun's design rules files, you can check your design for errors.
Use SparkFun's CAM files, to create Gerber files that are accepted by most fab houses.
-------------------- Tech Support Tips/Troubleshooting/Common Issues --------------------
Here's some basic information on PCB Basics [ https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pcb-basics/overview ] If you have never created a PCB. =)
Archived SparkFun Tutorials on PCBs
Removing Layers in Eagle [ https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/157 ]
Better PCBs in Eagle [ https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/115 ]
Additional Design Tips
Offset Header Pin design with Pete [ https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/114 ]
Designing for SparkFun [ https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/how-to-sell-your-widget-on-sparkfun/designing-for-sparkfun-manufuacture ]
PCB Manufacturing Services
To print your PCB try looking at some of these companies that specialize in printing PCBs:
OSH Park OSH Park [ http://batchpcb.oshpark.com/ ]
Advanced Circuits and Eagle [ http://colinkarpfinger.com/blog/2010/ordering-pcbs-designed-with-eagle/ ]