This is a simple four wire cable. Great for jumping from board to board or just about anything else. There is a 4-pin JST connector on one end, bare cable on the opposite end. It also comes with the mating connector for the JST.
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While not ideal, the 4 pin version will barely fit a 0.1" breadboard but the 5 pin version will have problems.
This uses a 4-pin JST PH connector.
This skill defines how difficult the soldering is on a particular product. It might be a couple simple solder joints, or require special reflow tools.
Skill Level: Noob - Some basic soldering is required, but it is limited to a just a few pins, basic through-hole soldering, and couple (if any) polarized components. A basic soldering iron is all you should need.
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I'm not sure what the maker expected us to solder these to, but the spacing between the conductors is WAAAAAY to small to use with an arduino or a standard perf/proto board. My grandchildren will find these in my box of unusable parts. I have lost another week on this project, back to square one...
I'm sorry, these are not standard 0.1" spaced. They come very close, but don't mate with other 0.1" connections.
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The white version of this JST connector is much better. The wire is a heavier gauge. The tinned ends on this one makes it difficult to strip and prepare. Bring the other ones back.
Do you sell the mating connectors by itself ?
We sell the 2 pin connector and 3 pin connector, but unfortunately we don't currently sell the 4 and 5 pin connectors by themselves.
Is Sparkfun going to offer a SMD version of this?
why is the datasheet for a 3 wire connector? also whats the voltage and current rating for these? finally is there an eagle library for these?
BEWARE.... These don't use the standard .1" spacing. They are smaller.
Is the mating connector actually a right angle one, is was that just used for the picture?
They are in fact a right angle connector. Thanks
thats too bad i would really like to but the mating connectors, lol