Exciting XBee Class - January 16th, 2012

The class begins with an introduction to all the required components, serial terminals, AT commands and the basics of mesh networking. The first project will be a Basic Chat session that demonstrates how to configure and connect coordinator and router ZigBee Series 1 radios together. We will also cover pin to pin data transfer using XBee Series 1 radios. Then after lunch we will do the same with XBee series 2 followed by a discussion on the different uses of the two XBee types. Finally we'll develop a full Processing-based wireless simple sensor network using ZigBee radio connections to collect three data values from numerous remotely-placed sensors.

Concepts covered in this class: During this class we will talk about radio protocols, PAN IDs, AT mode, briefly cover API mode, I/O features, hexadecimals, ZigBee network topologies and data while having plenty of fun.

Materials Included in this class:

  • 2 XBee Series 2 ZB radios
  • 2 XBee Series 1 ZB radios
  • 6 ft. USB Mini-B Cable
  • 1 Clear, Self-Adhesive Breadboard
  • 2 LEDs
  • 2 AA batteries/battery holder with cover and switch
  • 3 Potentiometers
  • XBee Module Breakout Board
  • XBee Explorer

**Prerequisites: **Prior experience with basic electronics and physical computing is helpful but adventurous beginners are welcome.

**Note: **Please install the Arduino software on your computer before the class. Click here for instructions on installing the Arduino software. Also, please install CoolTerm on your computer before the class. Click here for CoolTerm download. If you are a Windows user then you will also need to install X-CTU. Click here for X-CTU download. Finally you will also need the FTDI chip driver for use with our XBee Explorer. Click here for FTDI chip driver download.

Note: Class registration is fully refundable until Monday, January 9th, at 5:00pm MST. Please call to do so. If you wish to cancel after that time, or miss the workshop for any reason, we will transfer the amount you paid to SparkFun store credit, but cannot issue refunds. Thanks for your understanding!

What to bring: Students are asked to provide their own laptop and Arduino board and should bring both along with them. Arduino boards can be purchased separately before the class if needed.

Date: Monday, January 16th, 2012
Time: **9 AM – 5 PM (with a break for lunch from 12 - 1)
Instructors: TBD



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  • TLAlexander / about 13 years ago / 4

    Aww, come on guys, you missed a perfectly good opportunity to be really cheesy and call this the "X-citing Xbee class".
    Or go way overboard and call it the "X-citing Xbee x-travaganza: x-periencing Xbee, X-CTU, and the X-cellent Sparkfun Xbee Shield."

  • LC / about 13 years ago / 2

    Hi all, We're working on putting together video classes. Pricing has yet to be determined. We know you guys want it, but we want to make sure we're offering something that's worth your time and we've got a couple other irons in the fire and that's why it's taking us a little time.

    That said, I think $200.00 is a little steep for a video, don't you? I don't even like paying full price for movie tickets these days.

    And yes, TYScott, you get to keep the X-Bees and everything listed with this class. We try to make our classes as economical as possible for those who can attend.

    Thanks for the interest guys, it keeps us motivated!

    • Stoltzy / about 13 years ago / 2

      tyscott, excellent question. LC, excellent answer.
      I'm sold and have convinced a buddy to take the class...however, as we're from Portland, OR, (land of plentiful, excellent brew) we're going to need the name and address of your best brewery.

      • LC / about 13 years ago / 2

        Awesome. There's a bunch. I like Avery on Arapahoe Ave, Twisted Pine on Walnut St and for a big selection check out Back Country Pizza also on Arapahoe Ave. See you at the class!

  • tyscott / about 13 years ago * / 2

    Do we actually get to keep the XBee supplies that we get in the class? If so, I will definitely be going to this.

  • 99spirals / about 13 years ago / 1

    In this day and age, coupled with the Internet savviness of Sparkfun's devoted target audience, you folks should be offering online classes.
    I bet you'd recoup the initial cost to set up a virtual classroom in no time at all.
    For instance: I would gladly fork out $200.00 for an online class to simply have the opportunity to talk with others about XBee, and how they intend to incorporate it into their projects. Assuming 29 other XBee enthusiasts follow suit that's 6000 bucks you can use to burn a hole in your pockets.

    • TLAlexander / about 13 years ago / 2

      I'll talk with you about Xbee for $200. :D

    • Member #122199 / about 13 years ago / 1

      Count me in! I just priced out the airfare, and the travel expenses alone would cost me every bit of $600. $200 for an webinar would be a great deal!

      • Mister Chris / about 13 years ago / 1

        I'm in southern California and would sign up in a hot second for a teleclass. I look forward to visiting Sparkfun, but an option like that would be wonderful.

    • The Stig / about 13 years ago / 1


    • David Bishop / about 13 years ago / 1

      +1 here too.

    • Kraftworx / about 13 years ago / 1

      +1 for that as well

    • Member #256905 / about 13 years ago / 1

      +1 Yes Please.

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