LCD Cape - pcDuino V3 (1024x600 7" LVDS)

This is a 7" LVDS LCD Cape for the pcDuino V3 with a 1024x600 screen resolution and capacitive touch from LinkSprite. This massive screen is a great addition for the pcDuino V3 that compliments its extreme versatility as a mini PC development platform. The LCD cape is extremely easy to install, simply plug it into the LVDS (Low-Voltage Differential Signaling) port on the pcDuino V3, load the touch driver kernel, and you'll have this screen up in no time.

This LVDS LCD removes the necessity of a bulky full sized monitor to operate the pcDuino V3 by attaching to individual I2C pins on the dev board. Everything that you need to set this LCD up is included, including the LCD itself, a ribbon calbe to attach to the LVDS port, and 10 male to female jumper wires (connected) to attach to the pcDuino's headers.

Note: This LCD does require a touch driver kernel that supports LVDS which can be found in the Documents section below.

  • 1x LVDS LCD Cape
  • 1x Ribbon Cable
  • 10x M/F Jumper Wire


LCD Cape - pcDuino V3 (1024x600 7" LVDS) Product Help and Resources

Core Skill: Electrical Prototyping

If it requires power, you need to know how much, what all the pins do, and how to hook it up. You may need to reference datasheets, schematics, and know the ins and outs of electronics.

2 Electrical Prototyping

Skill Level: Rookie - You may be required to know a bit more about the component, such as orientation, or how to hook it up, in addition to power requirements. You will need to understand polarized components.
See all skill levels


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We welcome your comments and suggestions below. However, if you are looking for solutions to technical questions please see our Technical Assistance page.

  • Will this work with the pcDuino Acadia?

    • To answer my own question, it looks like it can be made to work by following the mods in this article:

  • Member #327664 / about 10 years ago / 4

    Can this display work on the Raspberry Pi? Also, what about the Beagle Bone Black? Last item, would this work on an Intel Atom motherboard that has an LVDS connector?

  • Member #534103 / about 9 years ago / 1

    I got this and a pcduino3 but when I plugged it in and booted it up I'm just getting a white screen, has anyone had much luck with this?

  • Member #25604 / about 10 years ago / 1

    I'm interested in this without the LVDS board. Do you have the display datasheet and CT controller details?

  • AllenKempe / about 10 years ago / 1

    What to do if it doesn't work?

    I have the latest Kernel and installed the touch driver but the screen remains dark. dmesg reveals this: ubuntu@pcduino:/etc$ sudo insmod /home/ubuntu/modules/touch/ft5x/ft5x_ts.ko

    ubuntu@pcduino:/etc$ sudo dmesg | tail

    [ 1977.500596] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para.

    [ 1977.500630] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: name gslX680 does not match CTP_NAME.

    [ 1977.500641] ft5x_tsctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: ctp_twi_id is 2.

    [ 1977.500660] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: screen_max_x = 1024.

    [ 1977.500672] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: screen_max_y = 600.

    [ 1977.500683] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: revert_x_flag = 0.

    [ 1977.500694] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: revert_y_flag = 0.

    [ 1977.500706] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: exchange_x_y_flag = 1.

    [ 1977.500880] i2c-core: driver [ft5x_ts] using legacy suspend method

    [ 1977.500892] i2c-core: driver [ft5x_ts] using legacy resume method

    [ 1977.501116] incomplete xfer (0x20)

    [ 1977.501339] incomplete xfer (0x20)

    [ 1977.501571] incomplete xfer (0x20)


    • AllenKempe / about 9 years ago / 1

      However, I have resumed trying to get the device working. I did some research and found that there are now new versions of the software including a version of Ubuntu 14.04. I downloaded the version that supports the LCD. It is a one-step process that doesn't involve installing the Kernel and OS separately.

      After flashing the new OS and kernel, I finally saw some response from the LCD. It showed the Slpash screen and displayed the text output. But then it hung up. After several reboots, I briefly got a display showing the desktop. But then as before, the device hung up. In none of these cases, was there anything displayed via the HDMI port.

      At this point, I re-flashed the device with the earlier NAND image from 01-07-2015. Now the device displayed via the HDMI port and there were no hangs and also, no display on the LCD. I tried downing the LCD driver but got a message that it was already installed. Checking the logs with dmesg, I see that the same incomplete xfer (0x20) messages were being logged. So it appears that all some software was present that was attempting to access the LCD display.

      At this point, I wondered whether the problems with the pcDuino hanging up were power related.. I was using a 1000ma power supply. I added another power supply to the USB hub and reflashed the LVDS kernel and OS. This time, the device came up OK and appears to work OK.

      I would conclude that you need at least a 2 amp power supply for the PcDuino when running with the LCD screen I guess the backlight used quite a bit of power.

      This then leaves a major question to be answered: is it possible to switch between the LCD display and the HDMI display without reflashing the kernel and OS?

  • Jack99Apple / about 10 years ago * / 1

    How does Capacitive touch differ from the touch screen on say an iPhone?

  • Member #567397 / about 10 years ago / 1

    Will this work with a pcDuino 3 nano ?

    • Member #663470 / about 9 years ago / 1

      Sadly, no. The pcDuino3 Nano is missing the port for the FPC ribbon, which connects the screen to the pcDuino. Maybe someone out there can hack it to work, but it won't work out of the box.

  • Member #581120 / about 10 years ago / 1

    Is it a primary screen for the pcDuino? finally??

  • Harrkev / about 10 years ago / 1

    I see it works with Ubuntu. Any word on Android compatibility?

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