Member Since: June 23, 2008
Country: United States
No worries, I ended up grabbing an MPU-9250 breakout - I've got another Jetson-Nano-based robot (using the multi-chassis) that's using the same IMU; I'm still working on the C++ library and ROS node for it.
Does the bot have an IMU or other sensors?
What kind of power draw does this have? I'm trying to build a power budget for a battery-powered system and I don't see any sort of specs on it.
Well, you can take a look at it at - it's actually a pretty simple interface, nothing fancy by any means.
I mean 12 hour time.
I wrote an arduino library to use this. It's available at but I don't really have 24 hour time working yet. The archive has a Readme.txt that covers how to use the library including how to wire it to the Arduino.
I guess I should have read the comments beforehand, because I spent all last night writing my own library...
If you set the appropriate register, you can get 24 hour time. See the datasheet.
Oh man I'd been using EAGLE a bit but never realized how to change the color of the tDocu and tRef layers... that alone has saved me an incredible amount of headaches laying out designs!
I have mine working and the gcc-arm toolchain is set up under Ubuntu and is working in Netbeans (I don't like Eclipse).
I had the same screen not working issue; I had to mess with the connector a bit to get it to work.
Audio quality isn't bad at all. With the default software it reset on me a couple times and it glitches every now and again, providing more stimulus to mess with the code.
I've got a tumblr site up with my progress on the project at, caveats are that I just started messing with it and the blog is subject to a lack of updates at any time :D.
No public wish lists :(