Member Since: August 15, 2008
Country: United States
Have you checked it without the logic level shifter and verified that it is in fact not safe? I know many of the boards that use 4.7K pullups are safe on a 5V arduino.
I can't tell from the back. But it looks like you have the option to pull the SCL/SDA up to 3.3V, but that it isn't the default? Is that correct? I'd have to do the math, but using the 10K board pullups to 3.3, and the arduino's internal pullups of (im not sure resistance) you could be pulling up to below the 3.63V max on the sensor and be safe without a logic level shifter.
Seriously, I'd love to have a board with just the lipo charging circuit with 3.3v and 5v out at the same time. (and charging over USB).
This is my favorite of the sparkfun shirts. Nicely done!
Just a note. bildr doesn't document projects. =)
Oh Geez. If I knew it was going to go on the blog, I would have spent more time on it. Here is a PDF of it if you would like:
Just to make sure it doesn't look like everyone is against it. Im all for it!
Yes. It will work. I have a few at work doing just that.
The shift register will not explode. Sorry. It is 500ma per chip. Not per string.
Yes,check out the bildr link above, I have I think 7 going at once. You just need to power the first one with a 5v wall connector or similar if you want to power than many. The traces on the power pins are much larger than normal so that you can string 20 of these together if you want.
I switched back to the original code.
Thanks for pointing it out.