
Member Since: October 21, 2009

Country: United States

  • OK got to say it... Perceived Sparkfun culture has morphed into something that I cant relate to anymore. It used to be cool. Now it's not so cool

  • Hi Robomaniac, I wrote my own code for the display in C. It's pretty straight forward if you have it connected to the micro's SPI port. The datasheet details the commands you need to send in order to clear the display, write data to the display, and invert the COM signal (which needs to be done once a second).

    The only thing to keep in mind is that communication is one way. I.e. you can write data to the display but there's no way of reading data back.

  • Actually this isn't necessarily true. Each horizontal line of the display is addressable, so you can start writing to the display at any line address. It is NOT a requirement that you write to the entire display at once.

    If you have a image that takes up the entire display (i.e. all 96x96 pixels) then what you're saying would be true. But if, for example, you wanted to print the phrase "Hello World" in the middle of the display and the characters were only a maximum of 25 pixels high, then you would only need enough memory to buffer 96x25 (or 300 bytes). Pretty much any 8 bit micro has enough memory for that - and more.

  • Hey Pete! Greetings from Ithaca! Best of luck at Sparkfun. -Rob

  • I've been searching around the internet and can't seem to find the schematics. I'm really interested in knowing what boost converter was used for the LCD.

    The LS013B4DN01 display this watch is using looks really cool until you realize it needs a 5V supply. Considering that everything else in your circuit probably uses a much lower voltage, you'll need to boost your supply up to 5V to get this display to work. Most switched capacitor boost converters have an operating current that's orders of magnitude higher than the display itself is using. For example, the LM2750-5 that the datasheet recommends has a typical operating current of 5mA. This means the boost converter is using over 800 times more current then the display itself! All of a sudden these displays don't seem so low power anymore.

    Luckily Sharp has started to introduce Memory Displays that run on 3.3V, but this watch seems to be using the 5V version

  • Ah great! Thank you.

  • "What is the part number for the connector on this board?"

    "Is a datasheet avaiable?"


  • Hello? Anybody?

  • What is the part number for the connector on this board? I'd like to find out more information on it. Is a datasheet available?

  • I also built something like this using the Sparkfun Venus module. Check it out:

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