Hacking for the holidays 2015

by Member #1925

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Product Subtotal Qty
SparkFun Safety Glasses
In stock SWG-11046
49.5 10   
SparkFun Mini Screwdriver
In stock TOL-09146
5.25 5   
Solder Lead Free - 100-gram Spool
In stock TOL-09325
19.9 2   
Brass Sponge
Out of stock TOL-08964
21 6   
Hook-up Wire - Yellow (22 AWG)
In stock PRT-08024
2.95 1   
Hook-up Wire - White (22 AWG)
Only 4 left! PRT-08026
2.75 1   
Hook-up Wire - Black (22 AWG)
In stock PRT-08022
2.95 1   
Hook-up Wire - Red (22 AWG)
In stock PRT-08023
2.95 1   
Total: 107.25