High power 30W Burning Laser Pointer For Sale at HTPOW

by Member #850682

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Using an ultraviolet burning laser blue pulse focused on a tiny patch of air, similar to the way a magnifying glass focuses sunlight into a hot spot, oxygen atoms in the hot spot become excited as their electrons get pumped up to high energy levels, eventually creating a coherent laser beam aimed straight back at the original laser, researchers say.More than 50 years after the invention of the laser, scientists at Yale University have built the world's first anti-laser, in which incoming beams of light interfere with one another in such a way as to perfectly cancel each other out.Russian military science professor and the president at the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Konstantin Sivkov has suggested that the Russian Armed Forces might have already passed into service the laser systems for jamming tank armament command systems. http://www.htpow.com/ultra-powerful-laser-pointer-blue-10000mw-class-iv-445nm-p-1028.html The U.S. Navy and Northrop Grumman have successfully demonstrated high-energy, solid-state laser defenses at sea by completing a "counter-material" test of the Maritime Laser Demonstrator (MLD) against small boats.The trick with any 100mw green laser weapon is to focus its energy into a spot that is small enough to heat up and damage the target.Most high power lasers still fail because they cannot get high power and good beam quality at the same time, while being within usable dimensions. http://www.htpow.com/5-in-1-green-100mw-laser-pointer-523nm-laserpen-shop-kaleidoscopic-laser-pointer-p-1006.html UK DRAGONFIRE will achieve, through the laser pointer Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Capability Demonstrator, a significant step change in the UK's capability in High Energy Laser Weapon Systems and will provide the basis for technology-driven operational advantage. The programme will mature the key technologies for a high energy defensive laser weapon system and will include the engagement of representative targets in land and maritime environments in 2019. http://www.htpow.com/high-powered-30000mw-blue-laserpointer-445nm-worlds-brightest-p-1027.html As a primary provider of high-power laser defense systems for the U.S. military, Northrop Grumman has built a number of high-energy lasers that have shot down airborne threats in flight. Major laser systems the company has developed include Mid Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser, Alpha, Tactical High Energy Laser and the megawatt-class laser aboard the Airborne Laser Test Bed, along with the JHPSSL system.

Additionally, the Navy accomplished several other benchmarks, including integrating MLD with a ship's radar and navigation system and firing an 200mw Green Laser weapon from a moving platform at-sea in a humid environment. Other tests of solid state lasers for the Navy have been conducted from land-based positions.


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