Kickstarter Update - December 11, 2012

Just a touch over a week left for our National Tour Kickstarter!

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There are now only 8 days left on our Kickstarter campaign to help fund the SparkFun National Tour. As I write this, we are currently sitting at just a touch over $37,000. The good news is that this is a great start and hundreds of people have made a contribution to help bring electronics to students across the country. The bad news - we have a long way to go!

Today, we want to issue a challenge to all members of the SparkFun community. For lack of a better term, we're calling it the dollar challenge. If you can, please donate just $1 to the SparkFun Kickstarter Campaign. If we can get this small donation from every member of the SparkFun community, we will rocket past our goal. You know, the power of numbers and all that. Please consider participating in the dollar challenge today!

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If you feel passionately about electronics, please share the Kickstarter campaign with your friends and family! Thank you very much to all of those who have contributed to the campaign or helped spread the word - we really appreciate it!

Comments 5 comments

  • CalebHC / about 12 years ago / 3

    Just pledged! Good luck on raising the funds. :)

  • Lindsay, Jim and I just taught our Eagle class here at Sparkfun on Saturday. It was a reminder of how much I enjoy teaching. We had 17 students sign up, ranging from ages 12 to over 50. We walked everyone through Eagle setup, schematic import, board layout, CAM jobs, creating parts in a library, ordering from a Fab house, and then even jumped in to some general tips and tricks we've come across over the years.

    It is wonderful to see the students realize, "Hey, this eagle software isn't so hard. I'm actually having fun designing circuit boards!"

    It was also awesome to hear about everyone's personal projects. Taking your idea to the next level and laying out a custom PCB is a very exciting step. I remember ordering my very first design. It felt like Christmas! And so I am very pumped to know that the students from this weekend are gonna go experience that same joy - and hopefully avoid many of the mistakes I made :)

    I would love to take our Eagle class on the road and help hundreds of makers design their dream PCBs. Speaking as part of the SparkFun team, we are truly passionate about teaching all aspects of electronics, and we would really appreciate your support to make this tour a reality. Thanks!

  • Joel_Q / about 12 years ago / 2

    Couldn't let South Dakota go without donating! Just pledged =^)

  • Dave, there's a squirrel on your face


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