Want More Info on SparkFun Classes/Workshops?

We've got some upcoming classes, plus a way to sign up to receive up-to-date info on our class offerings!

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Did you know we had a class on origami/electronic fusions?

We know it can be hard to keep an eye on our class listings page and we don't always announce when we have classes or workshops coming down the pipes. So we've created a simple email reminder service for people who want to be informed when there is a new SparkFun class or workshop added to the schedule. It's pretty easy - subscribing to this list will ensure you are always "in the know" about our latest offerings. And just to note - we will never sell, abuse or spam your email address. That's just not how we roll. Sign up here:

With that said, we have three upcoming classes we want to let you know about today. In no particular order (lies - in order of soonest to farthest away):

  • Soldering SMD Simon - this class takes place on July 17, 2013 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. and teaches you the lifelong skill of surface mount device soldering. Solder like a pro - sign up here

  • Microcontrollers for Educators - this class is specifically designed as professional development for teachers/educators who want to bring electronics into their classrooms. We have partnered with Colorado State University to offer 3.0 graduate credit hours for this course.. Learn more - and sign up - here

  • Eagle PCB Layout - and finally, this class teaches the joy of designing your own PCBs using Eagle. In our opinions, this is a must-have skill for taking your DIY electronics-fu to the next level. Sign up here.

Comments 2 comments

  • LightManCA / about 12 years ago / 2

    Ohhhh the Eagle class would be awesome!! But... I'm in WA. I wonder if I can find a job in Boulder.

  • I wish an opening would come up in the Summer semester class. I'd love to go; and I wouldn't mind visiting Boulder either!

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