According to Pete - Transistor Biasing Configurations Part Deux

Pete Dokter is back at it in this edition of "According to Pete."

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In last month's edition of "According to Pete", we discussed "transistor biasing configurations." It's a bit of, as Pete says, a "wacky" subject to get through in one video, so for your entertainment, we present to you "Transistor Biasing Configurations (Part II)."



In this episode, Pete talks specifically about common emitter configurations. As always, feel free to leave any questions or comments below. If you're a few episodes behind, or you want to spend all day learning about electronics, check out the "According to Pete" YouTube playlist.

We'll see you again next month for another edition of "According to Pete!"

Comments 9 comments

  • Dude. This cleared so much up for me. I had such a hard time in my semester long class understanding this and I think I just learned more in a half hour than I did that entire semester.

    • Dude, that's very cool of you to say, thanks. A guy in the youtube comments suggested current mirrors for next time. Would that be worth doing? Haven't done that in a while.

      • Yea totally! Personally I'm sure it would help me out. There are quite a lot of places I'd like to use that if I just understood how to do it better

  • Member #412762 / about 11 years ago / 1

    Thanks Pete for your video series, I really enjoy it!

    It helps me to better understand a circuit if I know of a practical example of why we built it in the first place. what would be an example use of this circuit?

  • BeerCannon / about 11 years ago / 1

    Kudos to Pete for another fine video. Most of it was actually not over my head, and that's really exciting! Actually, I I'm pretty sure I understood the whole thing. I just need to re-watch it and pause for some occasional math so I can practice figuring out the necessary component values to achieve a given result. Thanks again, Pete!

  • Member #444927 / about 11 years ago / 1

    yes current mirrors esp as they are used with parallel strings of LEDs

  • Huh. Well, the vid got posted on Youtube a few days ago, and nobody said I screwed it up. So I guess we're all good here...? Or is it time to duck from the tomatoes flying at me?

    • sgrace / about 11 years ago / 1

      Better get your missile defense system built just in case...

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