Maker Faire Pictures and New Widgets

Returning from a great weekend at Maker Faire, we've got some new items posted and some pictures from Austin.

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We're back! After a great time in Austin, we're back to work. Checkout some of the pictures from Maker Faire here. Phillip Torrone from Make Magazine also has a good Flickr set of pictures.

The soldering workshop was a huge hit! We accepted donations for the soldering kits we gave away to students of the workshop. We were able to raise $884 for Austin non-profits Angleheart Children's Shelter and The Robot Group! Thanks goes to everyone who came and checked out our booth and our soldering workshops.

New stuff!

The Logic from Saleae is a light-weight, simple to use logic analyzer. Low-cost ($149!) with good software support, Logic is a crucial tool for any prototyper.

We now have a surprisingly powerful geological measuring tool. This ruggedized, open-source, Digital Underground Survey Instrument is a powerful compass, surveyor, pedometer, and gaussmeter. A powerful combination!

The SCP1000 is a great barometric pressure sensor. We now stock the rubber gasket that will allow the SCP1000 to withstand even harsh water environments!

New sensor allows the user to figure out the orientation in space. The FC30 is like an accelerometer with everything stripped out, except for the basics. Am I upside down, left, right, etc? The FC30 will tell you how your device is oriented. Simple to use and includes support for 'click' detection. This means the sensor can tell when the user is tapping the sensor like a button.

This is an RGB color sensor from PICAXE. The AXE045 is based on the TAOS TCS230, is capable of sensing red, green, and blue colors. The output from the TAOS sensor is a series of pulses. The more green the item infront of the sensor is, the more pulses you'll see on the green pin. Use this sensor to detect basic colors and sort Skittles.

Jan de Rie has updated the ever popular oscilloscope clock kit. This easy to assemble kit turns any o-scope into a clock! A great gift for the nerd within us all.

The magnet ring is a very small, very powerful magnet with a small hole in the center. This type of magnet is ideal for creating conductive snap-together connections between PCBs.

We are adding more and more ethernet devices so we decided to stock some ethernet cables as well. Naturally, we have them in red.

We figured if we used them in a project, you might need one too. This is a simple, but really handy stereo splitter - one 3.5mm jack to two.

And now for updates on photos:

The ProtoBoards now have easier to solder edges!

Now you can see inside the KinetaMap! The KinetaMap is a datalogger of GPS, acceleration, with Bluetooth? connection built in so you can see where you went, and how bumpy it was to get there.

Updated photo of the Arduino XBee shield - now with Series 2.5 XBee module!

The Simon SMD soldering kit now comes with a smaller PCB, in red!

You'll now find pictures showing what is included with the Beginning Electronics kits. These kits go with the Beginning Electronics Tutorials.

Comments 5 comments

  • JohnfromTonic / about 16 years ago / 1

    This is awesome! I just completed my second project, hooking up a little gps to my arduino. :)
    Also, if y'all want to organize future fundraisers, our company just launched an events + cause website,
    Angelheart ( ) and the Robot Group ( ) are both in our database.
    Keep up the good work.

  • blakewest / about 16 years ago / 1

    Are you guys still planning to ship out the flame kits from Saturday at the Maker Faire that did not get properly programmed microcontrollers? I enjoyed learning how to solder, but it would be more fun if I could eventually see my board work! ;o)

    • Yes, we're still sending out the fostered flame kits from Maker Faire. The first batch should be programmed and shipping out next week.

  • RABeng / about 16 years ago / 1

    I absolutely agree!

  • kurf / about 16 years ago / 1

    Great job on the soldering work shop. It's awesome you can raise money for a good cause by teaching people something your passionate about. Hope the maker fair comes to the Midwest soon. Thanks.

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