Mark Your Calendars for Dumpster Dive 2017!

Rick, I don't like glowing rocks in the kitchen trash!

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It has been over a year and a half since our last one, but Dumpster Dive is back... soon. In less than a month, on Wednesday, September 13, we will be making Dumpster Dive available once again. However, we will be changing things up a bit this year.

The biggest change is that we will not have a set number of available Dumpster Dive boxes as in previous years. This means when you place an order we will build the box in the order the order is received. Built to order!

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This is only a portion of what we currently have.

This new approach to Dumpster Dive took quite a bit of planning (hence the lateness). With that planning came a few new rules that we needed to impart on the event. We've outlined most everything in this next video:

Know before you dive.

Right, so with a new way of approaching the Dumpster Dive event, we needed to put in place a few more rules. If you didn't watch the video, here it is at a glance:

  • September 13, 2017, from 10--10:10 a.m. MT
  • Limit one box per customer
  • 1/2lb boxes only
  • U.S. customers only
  • Economy shipping only
  • No on-site sales
  • No support or returns

Most of these rules have been around for previous installments of the Dumpster Dive, but this year we have the addition of United States and economy shipping only. To be honest we didn't want to add these new rules, but made the decision based on shipping restrictions becoming stricter and stricter with increased duty fees, compliance complications and material handling safety concerns. In the future we might be able to open up the Dumpster Dive to the world again, but at this point we can't make any promises.

And that is pretty much it! We will be sending out a few reminders and updates over the course of the next month. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below, and we will answer them as quickly as possible. We'll see you on September 13!

Comments 24 comments

  • RJR / about 7 years ago / 2

    'US domestic only' - disappointing... 'we still love you'. Well, obviously, you don't!

  • Surfndez / about 7 years ago / 1

    Please Consider pushing the dumpster dive back for those of us affected by the hurricanes (Texas/Florida) and possible power/data loss. I know I’ve been waiting a long time for the dumpster dive to return. Assuming no other issue/harm prevents us in Florida from the shangrila of the dumpster dive, power outages and congested/non-functioning networks/flooded houses may! Please take in to consideration! 😀

    Thanks, Dez

  • Member #1076403 / about 7 years ago / 1

    First time diver here. So if the product is defected we cannot return it?

  • lunaferret / about 7 years ago / 1

    Looking forward to the day when this is available in Canada again because I am usually unsuccessful in ordering this.

  • Member #652331 / about 7 years ago / 1


  • Member #1052545 / about 7 years ago / 1

    It's going to be a looooong wait. taps watch Thanks :)

  • FSJ Guy / about 7 years ago / 1


    Clearing my calendar!!!!!

  • Member #827300 / about 7 years ago * / 1

    There will be only one piece of electronics in the dumpster dive box? So is it possible that I spend $15 to get only a battery holder? Or is is it 1/2 pound of electronics. I am just trying to understand the logic behind a box.

  • Brian Flores / about 7 years ago / 1

    10 minutes only! Hope I can find the link fast enough! :-)

  • Member #214218 / about 7 years ago / 1

    But I will be in the area for the first time that week.

    • Sorry, since we are trying out the build to order approach this year, your order will most likely not be ready for pick up the day you purchase it. There could be a chance but probably not likely.

      • Member #214218 / about 7 years ago / 1

        I am flying out of Denver. They may have issues with me trying to carry on a box of misc electronic parts. I will try to order the old fashioned way.

  • timballas / about 7 years ago / 1

    How much can we expect to pay?

  • Member #1100810 / about 7 years ago * / 1

    Very nice ! Thanks.

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