SparkFun will be closed on Tuesday, November 5th to support our team in being able to go out and vote! Orders placed after 2 pm MT Monday, November 4th will ship on Wednesday, November 6th. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Catching up with SparkFun/Make friends, and inspecting bars in Boston.
I just heard from Jay (of Drawdio fame) that Dale (of Make fame) is putting on a maker meetup. If you're in/around Boston, I'll be heading towards Publick House (6:30-8:30PM). Because beer is good. And because I'll be in town for a meeting on open source hardware.
What is Drawdio?
Imagine you could draw musical instruments on normal paper with any pencil (cheap circuit thumb-tacked on) and then play them with your finger. The Drawdio circuit-craft lets you MacGyver your everyday objects into musical instruments: paintbrushes, macaroni, trees, grandpa, even the kitchen sink...
Seriously guys, what is up with your RSS feed? it's all over the place showing newsposts that don't exist.
Oh that. That's what happens when the IT folks don't check the 'Visible' boolean. You were reading posts that we are working on, that shouldn't have been live. Fixed now!