Rover and Other Random Thoughts

A snapshot of a rover, the list of competitors, and other random thoughts.

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We've posted a list of the registered AVC teams (autonomous vehicle competition)! It's mostly rovers, but we've also got a handful of UAVs.

Team: The Rolling Spheniscus
Type of vehicle: 4 wheeled ackerman steering
Cost: approx $300
Size: approx 15" x 8" x 6" (15" with mast)

This is going to be awesome.

And random thought for the day:

Firefox rocks, and our customers seem to agree. We use it pretty much exclusively (that and Open Office, cause we're cheap and it works). The above image is screen shot of the browser share from users of the SparkFun website (woot google analytics). Our users seem to be double the average (21% for North America vs 53% for SparkFun).

Comments 18 comments

  • grosiles / about 15 years ago / 2

    Please let's not go into useless banal browser discussions. Sparkfun should only care about getting customers regardless of their customers preference. This posts seems to imply that 53% of Sparkfun customers are more intelligent because they use Firefox and according to some Firefox rocks.

  • dboyer / about 15 years ago / 2

    I wonder what portion of that 53.62% are Sparkfun employees F5-ing the site for whatever reason.

    • Given the volume of traffic we get & the number of folks on the web at SFE, I'd be surprised if it were a whole lot, but grep(1) and friends can probably give us a very rough idea...
      It looks like a bit over 6% of the requests in our most recent log came from the SparkFun offices. All but a tiny handful (there are some Mac users in the building) were Firefox, and maybe 8% of them were to some portion of the public-facing where Google Analytics sees the pageviews.
      So, yeah, not much.

  • Chupa / about 15 years ago / 1

    I wish i knew there was a Tampa team going. I would have loved to of been involved. GL from Clearwater!

  • xyz / about 15 years ago / 1

    ajcrm125: I think those are Google Chrome users. I know that some hosts mistake Safari for Chrome.
    I think the chances of google analytics incorrectly identifying google chrome are pretty slim.

  • Pathogen-David / about 15 years ago / 1

    Go Opera!

  • quadrapod / about 15 years ago / 1

    i have 20 bucks that says under 8 percent use linux.

    • Cross / about 15 years ago / 1

      Given that this site is well frequented by geeks'n'nerds I would not be surprised to see a >8% Linux quota.

      • KTownsend / about 15 years ago / 1

        I'm guessing it's somewhere around 10%. I seem to recall windows has 90% of the market, Mac 9% and Linux ,9% (easy to remember rough figures). If Linux is 10% here, that's 11 times more than the average population. Hmm ... maybe that is a bit much.
        By the way, Nate ... why not filter out internal traffic on google analytics? You can easily add a custom filter with the companies external IP. (Unless of course you want to see that information.) I still find Analytics amazing ... AND free. Can't ask for more than that.

    • Ohhh! Betting pools on the SparkFun comment list. Sweet. I've got $20 that it's... Wait, I can cheat. I'll take a look and get it on the next post.

  • KTownsend / about 15 years ago / 1

    I'd be much more curious to see the spread of operating systems, mainly Windows, Mac and Linux. I'm a bit surprised by that large chunk of Safari users. Do you have an idea what percentage of users are on OSX or Linux?

  • Jack Biggs / about 15 years ago / 1

    woot konqueror! :-)
    (firefox is cool too.) although i've heard that safari is a bit insecure...

    • Sam Pratt / about 15 years ago / 1

      At DEFCON last year, apple offered a macbook pro to anyone who could hack into that computer through Safari. No one collected.

  • Eric Brunstad / about 15 years ago / 1

    Excellent to hear Safari had such a high market share! Go Safari!

  • ARMinator / about 15 years ago / 1

    timojaask: What's actually amazing is that orange piece of pie. When did Safari gained those 9%?
    I browse Sparfun exclusively with Safari. What's the wireless interface on that rover?

  • ajcrm125 / about 15 years ago / 1

    timojaask: What's actually amazing is that orange piece of pie. When did Safari gained those 9%?
    I think those are Google Chrome users. I know that some hosts mistake Safari for Chrome.
    (crazedlist for example)

  • timojaask / about 15 years ago / 1

    What's actually amazing is that orange piece of pie. When did Safari gained those 9%?

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