It's snowing!

SparkFun is closing today at noon due to a winter storm moving through the front-range.

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I remember as a kid growing up in Colorado that all my Halloween costumes had to be designed to fit over a snow-suit. Now, Halloween week wouldn't be complete if we don't have a little snow.

If you hadn't heard, there is a pretty big storm front moving through Colorado today and tomorrow. Right now, the snow is coming down and we are looking at getting somewhere around 18-24 inches of the white fluffy stuff. As a result, SparkFun will be closed today at 12pm Mountain Time so our employees can get home safely. There will be no orders shipping out today. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to be back at full capacity tomorrow!

Stay warm!

Comments 24 comments

  • Natn / about 15 years ago / 1

    Ohhhh... Cant wait for snow!
    Too bad it's gonna be rain when that system gets to Minnesota. I think its rolling in right now, but its 57F so still rain, but the radar says these some snow to the west.
    Good days to hole up in my (as my kids call it) "mad scientist laboratory" and build some stuff. Lost 'o red boxes with interesting stuff in em...

  • tsrodger / about 15 years ago / 1

    That is why my order still in Boulder. Fedex doesn't work due to snow storm :(
    Greetings from St Petersburg (Russia) :)

  • derich2 / about 15 years ago / 1

    I'm so jealous of you guys. I live in Florida.....
    No sarcasm there. Everyone that doesn't live in Florida is always like "The Sunshine State! How great would it be to live there!" Let me tell you it sucks. Its always really really hot and your always really sweaty all the time.

    • Karl / about 15 years ago / 1

      I'll have to agree as well, or like mr. hicks said it:
      "..only lizards feel that way about this kinda weather, I can afford coats, cappucino and rosy cheeked women.."
      So I moved back to robban in sweden. (It's basicly just me and him, and some polarbears, and those crazy 70s musicians that we locked away in an icecave. giving sweden bad rep.)
      In all seriousness though, we hardly get any snow in stockholm. When I saw this title I whished I could come work with you guys. You should totally do a google and hire me to take care of your kids! and dogs!

    • word. I used to live there. I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Try now having a car in Florida...that was fun.

  • Calif / about 15 years ago / 1

    It's all SPARC International's doing.

  • lazer / about 15 years ago / 1

    Where are the robot snowmobiles?

  • BWA / about 15 years ago / 1

    gg Let me say one thing =)
    I went skiing two weeks ago^^
    Greets from Austria

  • I thought SparkFun employees lived in the attic and only left the work facility with written permission from their parole officer!

  • Could you post a few photos (to flickr?) for us out here in Sunny California?

  • Robban / about 15 years ago / 1

    Why do you americans get to go home/stay home just because there's some darn snow on the ground. I'm jealous :( For reference I live in Sweden and I've never gotten to stay home from school or work no matter what the weather was like.

    • freecookies / about 15 years ago / 1

      They don't salt the roads in CO either. Driving in the snow here can be like a really bad game of GTA, if you're not careful.

    • Albermega / about 15 years ago / 1

      It is a guess that it probably has to do with the transport available in Sweden. It looks like rail is popular there. In almost all of the U.S. transport by car is the only option. When it snows a lot it can be very hard (sometimes impossible) and dangerous to operate the car on the snow covered roads.

      • Robban / about 15 years ago / 1

        Now that I think about it I think it has a lot to do with distance travelled. I've gotten the impression that a lot of you guys drive quite far each day just to get to work. Personally I can be at work in under ten minutes if I drive legal(ish). As for rails, that only works in the big cities like Stockholm where the subway will take you pretty much anywhere.
        And just for giggles, a pic from my trip to work a couple of years ago. I live in the middle part of Sweden so it doesn't get as bad here as it does up north (they don't get to say home either though :) ).

        • Probably has something to do with it. I live in Denver but commute to SparkFun in Boulder. On a good day, it takes me 45-50 minutes. On a heavy-traffic day, I'm looking at an hour and ten minutes or so. On a snowy-day, during morning rush hour - ugh. Probably two hours.

          • TheTrustedOne / about 15 years ago / 1

            Seriously, 6 inches of snow and -1F (whatever that is in real temperatures). I live in Canada, -45C is a yearly event, 2 - 3 feet (30 to 60 CM) is common.

  • bbotany / about 15 years ago / 1

    If I have everything set right, I should finally be able to keep a couple of summer plants going past the -7C that overwhelms my passive techniques... Yeay! for thermistors and active control. And with same storm as y'all in Boulder, I get a day away from the office that I can check the settings too!

  • 6.6 inches in Boulder currently (according to 9news). Everyone get home safe!

  • JamesHagerman / about 15 years ago / 1

    Stay warm guys! It's pretty cold down here in the Springs and I'm sure it's worse up there!
    And I've been thinking: Next year, setup an autonomous robot race around the sparkfun building but make sure it happens in a blizzard!
    I need a reason to buy one of those tracked snowcat rc vehicles....

  • thisupend / about 15 years ago / 1

    what about a teleport machine?

  • fluxTreme / about 15 years ago / 1

    and the FedEx sled dog team! You can't have one without the other....

  • David12 / about 15 years ago / 1

    Where's the Spark Fun sled dog team when you need it?

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