RoboJoust is coming!

A reminder of SparkFun's newest competition - the RoboJoust!

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Hear ye, hear ye! Last year, SparkFun hosted an Autonomous Vehicle Competition (which, by the way, is happening again this year). We had such a great time that we decided it made a lot of sense to have another event and after putting our heads together we came up with this - the RoboJoust!

RoboJoust will take place on December 6th, 2009 from 3pm to approximately 8pm. In addition to the competition, we are offering a RoboJoust Workshop for those who don't have any experience building their own bots. Signing up for the class will grant you free entry into the competition (but signing up for the competition does not mean you get the class - you see how it works).

So what is a RoboJoust, you say? Why, a RoboJoust is simply a combination of electronic jousting (knight style, not Malibu style), sumo bots, line-following robots, and combat bots - all taking place on the table you see above. Essentially, two robots line up at opposite ends of the table - the first robot to reach the other side (or the last robot still on the table) wins! Of course, there are more rules (but not too many - that would take all the fun out of it) on the event page!

We think this is going to be a killer time and encourage everyone and anyone to come out and participate or just watch the mayhem! Sign up your team today!

Comments 17 comments

  • AndyL / about 15 years ago / 1

    You should probably make a rule that outlaws Bugs-Bunny style course repainting. If only for practical reasons.
    Even if it would be hilarious to see a bot repaint the lines, then back up and watch it's opponent go off the cliff.
    P.S. Will there be good video of the event? I'd love to see the whole event with every match-up, not just a heavily edited highlights reel.

  • nathan / about 15 years ago / 1

    Will there be a highlight reel? I'm especially interested in seeing the falls. :)

  • Any need to prevent the following scenarios?
    1. A (big) part at the rear of the robot clamps onto to the track and is left behind as a barrier to the other robot ever getting to the finish.
    2. The robot is a tall structure that tips over and touches the opposite home circle.
    3. The robot launches something to "touch" the finish line (a net?).
    4. The robot clamps tightly around the track edges, and bulldozes. It would be slow, but with enough size, nothing's getting around or over it.
    1. Make a transparent cube on each end of the track (1' x 1' x 1'?). You must start within it, must exit within 10 secs of the start, and must be the first to enter the other cube entirely to ensure an automatic victory. Would also naturally limit weight.
    2. Some (random?) hazards below the track to discourage "clamping."
    I haven't seen a contest on a track like this. I'm just sayin'.

    • jbookout / about 15 years ago / 1

      I definitely don't like the 1x1x1 idea...I'm counting on more height than that (not much but some). Clamping is an easy thing any one can do so it's difficult to discourage...(whose clamping mech. will be best though???) I'm a fan of ruling out the long bar to touch the other side (as it could be a completely mechanical contraption...That said, an electromechanical arm is fine with me (a fine distinction around the definition of "robot" perhaps). All said: bar, net, dozer, and clamping I beleive I can defeat with clever modification of startup code + weapon...

    • Nope, all that stuff will fly. We intentionally made the rules ambiguous to allow as much creative freedom as possible. The more rules we make, the more we define the robots for you. We want bots of all shapes, sizes and strategies.

  • Sam Pratt / about 15 years ago / 1

    just saying, kinda off topic, but you guys should definitly add some sort of konami code functionality to your website. Ex: Enter the konami code while the checkout is finishing, and get a free order ;-) (Try it on facebook and AIM express)

  • jbookout / about 15 years ago / 1

    Is the center line tape? Could we please get a painted (or at least smooth) line? Maybe just tape cut smooth at the edges??? This would be very helpful for bigger bots that will need to hug the line closely

    • The picture was taken after the first painting session. The lines have since been touched up, smoothed out and ready for some robots!

    • it's painted and it will be smoother.

  • SolarBotics was not the freindlest about this!

    • They did mention "Looks like fun. Wish we could come play too!". It's all in good fun. The title is understandable, I mean a 4' fall onto concrete could be devastating to a robot. It makes me wonder how many bots are going to have large bubble wrap or foam exteriors just in case they are the ones to fall.

  • davr / about 15 years ago / 1

    There's something a little off with that picture...his head seems strangely elongated somehow.

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