Enough Already!

Check out this awesome project from Make.

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If you watch TV, listen to the radio, or glance at the magazines near the supermarket checkout, chances are there are a few celebrities or politicians that you are getting pretty tired of hearing about. Whether it's Kim Kardashian's wedding or Will Smith's marriage problems, it can all be a bit much. That's why this project from MAKE and Matt Richardson is one of the best things we have seen in a while - The Enough Already!

The Enough Already uses the data emitted from closed captioning, a video experimenter shield, an Arduino, an infrared LED, and a bunch of very clever programming to "listen" to your TV for certain keywords. When it hears something it doesn't like (for example, "Kardashian") it mutes your TV for 30 seconds. If during that 30 seconds, the word is mentioned again, it starts muting again. This is a great project that I can't wait to create for my TV. Awesome work!

Comments 41 comments

  • OldFar-SeeingArt / about 13 years ago / 5

    Far easier solution: cut off the power cord from your TV.

  • LC / about 13 years ago / 3

    I was talking with some of the guys from IT after work one day about the possibility of bringing this to the physical world but with voice recognition and bone conductive microphone technology. Just image if you never had to hear that one song ever again...

    • It s Friday, Friday  
      Gotta get down on Friday  
      Everybody s looking forward to the weekend, weekend  
      Friday Friday  
      Getting down on Friday  
      Everybody s looking forward to the weekend
    • WillL / about 13 years ago / 1

      What, like a sound recognition device combined with noise canceling headphones?
      That's genius!

  • Valen / about 13 years ago / 2

    Quote: When it hears something it doesn't like (for example, "Kardashian") it mutes your TV for 30 seconds. If during that 30 seconds, the word is mentioned again, it starts muting again.
    Sorry, but that is not going to work. Not when Deep Space 9 or ST:TNG is on.

    • Promptcritical / about 13 years ago / 1

      You really want to hear a Kardashian taking a hit on the bow from a Klingon and leaking plasma....wait that's almost word for word why she broke up with her last boyfriend.

    • Kamiquasi / about 13 years ago / 1

      I lol'd

  • htimmis / about 13 years ago / 2

    I love this project

  • Dorf / about 13 years ago / 2

    I thought the same thing as OldFar-SeeingArt.
    The only issue is that the captions lags behind the audio. So you still hear the names of those people. Perhaps if there was a way to analyze the captions so that you can predict when the names would be said and mute the t.v. preemptively, this would be a better solution. Maybe a Bayesian model would work for this,... hmm.... I'm gonna look this up.

  • M / about 13 years ago / 1

    CNN! Hush up Snooki!

  • rwizard / about 13 years ago / 1

    While I love the sentiment behind this project, and it is a fun idea, it would have been a lot cooler 20 years ago. Why?
    My "off the air" TV is either going in on RF, or (by way of an HD Homerun) through an HTPC over HDMI. Most of my TV comes in off the Internet by way of HTPC, Apple TV, or Roku, which means the media connection is again HDMI, not NTSC/RS-170.
    The change to HDMI, especially in conjunction with the onerous implementation of HDCP, is really stifling innovation. This is what happens when (media industry owned) politicians and lawyers interfere with technology and the marketplace.
    I hope someone with the time, energy, and resources, will find a way to make HDMI more accessible to all of us. Whether we like it or not, composite video in home entertainment devices is an EOL technology, and the powers that be would just as soon have the new system be closed to everyone but the big players.
    For me, the downside of High Def (as implemented) has largely outweighed the benefits.

  • Harbingerx81 / about 13 years ago / 1

    My first thought when I saw this project was to modify it to give a TV Tourette's...Take the CC from the video stream, looking for key words or catch phrases, and then play audio samples from an SD card over the TV speakers in place of the normal audio...
    For example, instead of:
    "Steve Jobs announced his retirement today..."
    The potentially unsuspecting viewer hears:
    "Steve Jobs [is a !$@# #%$#@$]."

    • dinolg / about 13 years ago / 1

      George Orwell was 27 years ahead of his time. But he was wrong about the Ministry of Truth. No need, we can do that in real time.
      Everything you know is "Truth". Or at least, now it could be.
      Peace, Freedom, and Strength,
      Tele-programmes Department

  • another-dave / about 13 years ago / 1

    who's still transmitting the NTSC signal this video shield needs?

    • Harbingerx81 / about 13 years ago / 1

      Good point...I am not well versed on A/V signaling, but I am guessing that an Arduino would have trouble processing digital video fast enough for a HDMI version of this to be feasible.
      If I am wrong, then someone needs to get on it, because I want one!

      • dinolg / about 13 years ago / 1

        I believe that the only processing that needs to be done is the text of the closed captioning, so digital is different, but not much more difficult.
        For real-time audio processing, I believe a decent ARM processor, such as a TI OMAP (quite portable still), might be able to do it using the closed captioning to significantly reduce the audio-processing needed. Speech recognition is much easier when you have a script.

  • Blacklab1 / about 13 years ago / 1

    Now if they can come up with a way to black out the picture for 30 sec when there is a garment malfunction or that beer add you hate.

  • lawrah / about 13 years ago / 1

    That is AWESOME. If only there was a way to tell in advance if one of the names were going to be said...

  • Member #118681 / about 13 years ago / 1

    If someone would port OpenTLD/"Predator" https://github.com/zk00006/OpenTLD it would be interesting to see if there is enough power to have it running next to real time on one of the larger (or compatible) Arduino platforms.

  • Tinkering With Chance / about 13 years ago / 1

    Good idea perhaps you could use a speaker output and have the Arduino read the words from the captions and output them through the speaker. Then you could listen to movies/shows in a different language if you change the captions to english for example, this way u don't have to read the captions will trying to watch.

  • SirBangABit / about 13 years ago / 1

    Maybe I can figure out how to wire this to the wife. That way when she calls me by name to do something, it will activate. Then I can then honestly say I did not hear her!!

  • Member #240011 / about 13 years ago / 1

    This reminds me of a project I thought of, but never built, because I never thought it could be so easy! Automatic Commercial Mute. Monitor the text stream, and when you hit mute, the Arduino detects it, looks for the current 3 or 4 words, and maybe 1 or 2 before it, and save a keyphrase that will send a mute when it's detected. You'd still have to mute it the first time for each commercial, but you wouln't have to hear that commercial again, until you ran out of room, and started overwriting the oldest keyphrases. Simplistic, but it could work with some tweaking.

  • CrazyP / about 13 years ago / 1

    I have one of these shields and it's a lot of fun. It has a little slider switch that controls whether or not to display the television signal along with the TVout signal. The switch could probably be replaced with a dual throw relay so that it could be Arduino-controlled. Then you could temporarily turn off the video signal and replace it with your own message. Just expanding on the April Fool's joke ideas!

  • Raveious / about 13 years ago / 1


  • tommy321 / about 13 years ago / 1

    Could make for a fun April Fools joke. Change the channel any time your keywords from your target's favourite show are seen!

  • Member #167681 / about 13 years ago * / 1

    OMG, that is epic. This means that I can overlay data onto an incoming video stream before compression, such as a video camera system? Does this mean we can finally make DIY Security systems?

  • R0B0T1CS / about 13 years ago / 1


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