Processing the Danger Shield Reminder

Just a friendly reminder of an upcoming class.

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This post is to remind you about an upcoming class -"Processing the Danger Shield." This class takes place in a bit over a week - February 4th, 2012 from 9 AM to 5 PM right here at SparkFun Headquarters.

The Danger Shield is an Arduino shield with three slide potentiometers, a couple LEDs, some push buttons, a photocell, a temp sensor, an 8-bit shift register, a capacitive touch pad, and more. It's a really fun shield to play around with and has a lot of potential uses.

In this class, we'll explore how to use the Danger Shield as an interface for a computer program. You'll learn the basics necessary to create graphical interfaces, data logging visualizations, games and animations using Processing. Processing is based on Java, so when you're done you'll know some useful programming basics. Go to the class listing to sign up! Hope to see you there!

Comments 17 comments

  • JonB3 / about 12 years ago / 11

    Hey you kids! Speed it up! We need enough Danger Boards manufactured by February 4th to supply a whole class!

  • Member #80243 / about 12 years ago / 3

    In the spirit of MIT's Open Education movement, would SF consider posting 'lectures' on YouTube so those of us who can't attend the class still get exposed to the material?

    • NukeFrenzy / about 12 years ago / 3

      Why not use iTunes U to spread these classes also? I'm not sure of the requirements to post classes there, but it would be worth a try and allow everyone to automatically subscribe to new classes as they are released and save them to their iDevices easily.

      • sethcim / about 12 years ago / 8

        I could be wrong about this, but iAnything is not frequently in the spirit of openness.

    • Comrad_Durandal / about 12 years ago / 3

      ...ohh...if this hadn't already been posted before... Like on -every- class reminder since who-knows-when. I'm sure they are working on it. :)

      • LC / about 12 years ago / 3

        Yup. Thanks Comrad and Member #80243, we're working on it. We intend to offer ALL our educational materials for free as we can. This is in keeping with our OpenSource mentality. In the Department of Education we're especially interested about spreading the word about OpenSource Educational Materials and helping the Educational community at large. This does take a lot of work though and we're working on it as hard as we can along with our other endeavors. Thanks for the comments guys, it keeps us motivated.

  • IraS. / about 12 years ago / 2

    has a lot of potential uses.

    I see what you did there.

  • _hunternet93 / about 12 years ago / 1

    When will the winners of the console browser Free Day contest be announced?

    • We want to make sure all entries have been received, including those from overseas. I believe the tentative date is this coming Monday the 30th.

  • abers13 / about 12 years ago / 1

    I wish you made a class that i could take via the internet... I live on the East coast and would love to get involved but i have no way to get all the way to your headquarters.

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