World Maker Faire New York

Check out this video from Maker Faire New York!

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Back in September, SparkFun traveled to the World Maker Faire in New York City. As usual, there were tons of cool projects, inspirational builds, and awesome stuff to check out. We had a blast meeting up with some of our customers and meeting new people. Today we wanted to share a video of some of our favorite moments - check it out:

Check out the Vimeo version here

If you've never been to a Maker Faire - go! It's definitely an inspirational experience. You can also check out our Flickr page for some more images like the one above. Lastly, one final reminder that today is the last day to enter our Halloween Costume Contest - check out this page for details on how to enter (and win the major award!).

Comments 18 comments

  • Pete, is that your scare-kids-on-Halloween face?

    • which of his faces isn't

      • Good point. But this one especially scares me...

        • Oh, man. How do I reply to this without sounding a number of ways that I'm not supposed to sound?

          I'm going to come over there and make a face at you, Toni.

          • I think the point is that your regular face is scary enough, without any effort on your behalf.

            Besides, I'm sitting next to John's Fat Lady costume. Not really sure any face is going to be more terrifying than that.

  • sgrace / about 12 years ago / 5

    Now if only we can do a Maker Faire in Denver.

  • John Trepke of TS just went running by in his inflatable fat lady suit and lucha libre mask. Halloween at SFE is something to behold.

  • JSDRaven / about 12 years ago / 1

    I have a 7yr old daughter with Type 1 diabeties, She is still kinda new with it. That bare looks to be an awesome tool. As it is with kids they have to act it out in order to help make sence of it and also to help come to their type of terms. So if they could have a friend that they get to poke , prod and monitor would be awesome. The desise is on the rise and to have more items and toys to help them the better. GREAT WORK! keep them coming.

  • Mikro / about 12 years ago / 1

    Nathan! Darn! Too bad we didn't cross paths at Maker Faire NY. We had a booth for our AeroQuad open source quadcopter project! We build them from Arduinos and design our shields to use sensors from Sparkfun! Please check us out at!

    • I'm too worried that if I ever met Nate, then I would owe him in the region of 100 beers. DARN YOU BEERWARE LICENCE!!!

  • I loved Maker Faire NYC!!!! It was great!! Maybe a booth next year for SparkFun?? And I wasn't able to finish my costume this year due to Hurricane Sandy......stuck cleaning up!! But good luck to all!!

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