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The Carbide3D BitSetter is an automatic tool offset probe for your Shapeoko that makes it easy to run jobs using multiple tools without the need to stop and re-zero manually.
BitSetter measures the length of the cutter in your spindle and, combined with Carbide Motion, automatically resets your Z-axis zero point to reflect the new length, making tool changes simple and straightforward.
Shapeoko 4 BitSetter works on all Shapeoko 4 Standard, XL, XXL machines running Carbide Motion 428 or later. The Shapeoko Pro comes with a BitSetter already installed, no additional BitSetter needs to be purchased. BitSetter will not work on the red Sparkfun Shapeoko machines.
Does BitSetter replace the Touch Probe? No, the Touch Probe helps set the zero point on the machine and BitSetter adjusts the zero after a tool change.
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