Voice Recorder Breakout - ISD1932

Replacement:BOB-10653. We've added an on-board microphone and output speaker jack to the newest revision of this board. This page is for reference only.

This is a breakout board for the ISD1932, a multiple-message record/playback device. This single chip can record up to 64 seconds worth of voice messages. Microphone inputs and speaker outputs are all handled by the ISD1932.

A switch is connected to allow selection of the ISD1932's operating mode - address trigger or direct trigger. You must cycle the power after switching the mode. An LED is also populated on the board and will illuminate when the device is recording.

An external resistor is necessary to select the record duration and sampling frequency, which can range from 21.2 - 64 seconds (4-12kHz sampling frequency).

The board breaks out all pins of the ISD1932 to 0.1" spaced headers. This product comes as shown in the pictures with filtering capacitors, an LED, mode selecting switch and the ISD1932 IC.

Note: Just to give you a ballpark idea of how this board sounds, we made a short recording for you. The gain is a touch high so any clipping is an artifact of that. The first thing you'll hear is a short clip of our Director of Engineering bragging about his credentials. After that, you'll hear that sound after it has been recorded directly into this chip and played directly out again. It gets a little better than this if you're willing to fool around with the gain resistance for a while, but you get the idea: You don't wanna listen to music on it, but it's not bad for SFX or voice messages.

  • Operating mode selector switch
  • 2.4V to 5VDC supply voltage
  • LED indicates if the board is recording
  • Record up to 64 seconds of audio
  • All pins of the ISD1932 broken out to 0.1" headers
  • Breadboard friendly
  • 1.0 x 1.3 " (25.4 x 33.02 mm)


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  • jgalak / about 13 years ago / 1

    I got this working nicely in direct mode, with either the push-button or an Arduino controlling it. A brief writeup and schematic are here:

  • Member #87098 / about 13 years ago / 1

    Since the ISD1932 already comes with mic preamplifier, can I just connect a electret or ADMP401 mic directly to MIC+ of ISD1932 without amplification?

  • Abdulla873 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Hi guys, <br />
    I used this voice recorder to make an answering machine, you can seeing the video in the link below, if you have any questions, please shot it ^_^.<br />
    Link<br />
    <br />

  • WildJoe / about 14 years ago / 1

    I am a little disapointed in this product because the manufacture was not clear on the End Of Message (EOM) flag. I understood it to say that at the end of every recording, it sets an EOM flag, that way you wouldn't have to know the end address for multiple messages and you wouldn't have to wait 2 seconds after your sample plays for the chip to get to the end address. Unfortunately, only one EOM flag is written and it is done at the end of the last recording you make.
    I bought this board, along with the only mic breakout BOB-08669 board that sparkfun offers, and a speaker.
    I couldn't hook the mic up because the board requires a mic + and a mic -. The mic breakout board only comes with an AUD pin. Grounding the mic- doesn't work ,no sound is recorded. I had to run it in analog in mod(FT pin), and leave mic- floating to get any sound at all out of it. I'm still not happy with the quality, but I don't know if its the speaker or the mic! I also had to disconnect the speaker when recording this way because the speaker would feedback into the mic.

  • skystorm / about 14 years ago / 1

    Is possible download from ISD1932 recorded sounds?

  • I had horrible performance problems running this ISD1932 in my design. AGC worked great when battery powered at 5V. However, running a wall wart through a 7805 regulator with tons of filtering, the AGC motorboated and was unusable. Same motorboating from a clean HP benchtop power supply. I found that all motorboating went away when I decreased the supply voltage a 1/2 volt. I put a diode in my circuit, now driving the ISD from 4.3V and its works great!

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