Miniature Solar Cell - CPC1822

The CPC1822 is a monolithic photovoltaic string of solar cells. When operating in sunlight or a bright artificial light environment the optical energy will activate the cell array and generate a voltage at the output. The solar cells are capable of generating a floating source voltage and current sufficient to drive and power CMOS ICs, logic gates and/or provide "trickle charge" for power applications.

  • 4V output
  • Works best with natural sunlight
  • Provides true wireless power
  • No EMI/RFI generation
  • Solid state reliability
  • Small 8-pin surface mount SOIC
  • Datasheet
  • [App Note]( Application Note.pdf)

Miniature Solar Cell - CPC1822 Product Help and Resources

Core Skill: Soldering

This skill defines how difficult the soldering is on a particular product. It might be a couple simple solder joints, or require special reflow tools.

3 Soldering

Skill Level: Competent - You will encounter surface mount components and basic SMD soldering techniques are required.
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Core Skill: Electrical Prototyping

If it requires power, you need to know how much, what all the pins do, and how to hook it up. You may need to reference datasheets, schematics, and know the ins and outs of electronics.

3 Electrical Prototyping

Skill Level: Competent - You will be required to reference a datasheet or schematic to know how to use a component. Your knowledge of a datasheet will only require basic features like power requirements, pinouts, or communications type. Also, you may need a power supply that?s greater than 12V or more than 1A worth of current.
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  • OdySseusworm / about 8 years ago * / 1

    Yeah, read the datasheet.... but also don't trust it. It would be nice if the datasheet plotted V/I, because these cells perform very differently than typical solar cells. Whereas you can usually conservatively approximate output power by a percentage of Voc multiplied by a percentage of Isc, performing that approximation using the datasheet claims of Voc and Isc way overshoots even perfect power conversion given a much larger 1cm^2 cell.

    I put four of these cells in parallel under roughly one sun of lighting and did not see the claimed Isc using a fluke process calibrator with microAmp resolution.

  • MrAureliusR / about 9 years ago / 1

    People -- you need to read the datasheet more closely. These DO NOT produce 50uA at 4V. 50uA is the SHORT CIRCUIT current. At that current the voltage would be in the millivolts. In practice, you'd probably get a few microamps out of them. However, use one of these to charge a supercap and you might be able to run a super-low-power microcontroller for a few ms every couple of minutes. Would be very cool to see what kind of limits you could push with this thing.

  • Skimask / about 15 years ago / 6

    I think the only real "work" a person is going to get out of this solar cell is enough power to drive a MOSFET, maybe a small 4000-series chip, maybe a PIC or AVR running on a 32Khz crystal. That's about it.
    Trickle charge a small battery? Even the smallest LiPo battery sold here, at 20mAh, in a perfect world, with perfect physics, with perfect light, with zero losses in the wiring, with a perfect battery, would take an absolute bare minimum of 400 hours (16 2/3 days) in continuous bright light to charge it up completely (ignoring all the complicated math that goes with charging and discharging).
    I think I'll go buy a Shamwow!

    • You are correct, in every way. People should really look over the datasheet and realize you can't just plop this in and drive a circuit with it. It has its uses for sure, but isn't magic.
      Let me know how the shamwow treats ya. ;-)

  • HissingRoachParty / about 14 years ago / 2

    I was thinking about packing several of these on a board, focusing a lens in front of them and polling them to make really crude pictures that I could process with a microcontroller.

  • Skimask / about 15 years ago / 2

    People aren't reading the datasheet correctly.
    Open circuit maximum voltage output = 4v
    Open circuit means zero current flow. Put a load on it and the voltage will drop off dramatically. If you've got maximum voltage, but can't support any current flow, you can't do any work.
    Short circuit maximum current output = 50 uA
    Again, short circuit means maximum current flow with little or no voltage behind it (hence the term short circuit). If you've got maximum current flow, but no voltage behind it, can't do any work.
    What this datasheet doesn't have is a voltage over current graph, which will show the 'knee' of the curve, which would be the optimal region to operate this solar cell.
    Ya can't have an open circuit and a short circuit at the same time.
    Also, note in the description in the datasheet:
    The CPC1822 is a monolithic photovoltaic string of solar cells with switching circuitry. When operating in sunlight or a bright artificial light environment the optical energy will activate the cell array and generate a voltage at the output. The solar cells are capable of generating a floating source voltage and current sufficient to drive and power CMOS ICs, logic gates and/or provide ?trickle charge? for battery applications.

  • Member #676751 / about 10 years ago / 1

    does 2 of them have enough juice to charge a phone

  • Member #676751 / about 10 years ago / 1

    Does it have enough power to charge a phone?!?!

  • Member #562562 / about 10 years ago / 1

    Iam making a watch and with a 3.3v ardoino pro mini do u think it would be resonable to add one of these to slowly charge the battery or at least keep it charged for longer?

  • Member #494226 / about 11 years ago / 1

    You could use these micro solar cells as active sensors. Since they generate their own power they would not have to be powered off the controller. I fly quad rotor RC models with lighting on them for show. During the day one of these on a load switch would keep the lights off. In the absence of ambient light the lights would be switched on. Seeing as electric RC models run on batteries, having something that doesn't draw off current would be a plus. There's a board on here somewhere that has opto isolators that gate some mosfet switches. One of these could drive the led in the opto isolator. Hmmm

  • Member #393697 / about 12 years ago / 1

    These would be cool for projects such as heliostats, where you want to track maximum power. You could use a grid of them (say 5) at slightly different angles to work out the angle that is perpendicular to the suns rays...

  • Member #30271 / about 13 years ago / 1

    This minature solar cell worked well for driving a couple of mosfet logic level gates, using only a hi-brightness red led. You don't get much extra power, just enough voltage across a 1 Meg resistor to operate the gate. Previously, i tried the old "red led as a voltage generator" idea, but while that got 2.1 volts in sunshine, it wasn't enough to activate the mosfet with only another red led as light source.

  • Member #36671 / about 13 years ago / 1

    The application note states that it requires a MOSFET for it to work in a recharging circuit. Can anyone (esp Sparkfun) help or link me to a source for this MOSFET or any alternatives as diodes will be too costly a waste of power, according to the app note. Thanks!!!

    • ATtiny Fan / about 13 years ago / 1

      I'm not fully sure what type of charging you want to do but this site used one of these, a 0.33F supercap and and a diode for reverse voltage protection to charge the supercap to 3.9V with a a fair mA output.

  • Member #229938 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Can I use this to charge a 3.7v coin cell?
    My guess would be that the drop from 4v open will result in a voltage that is too low for charging? Then again I could use several of them in series and in parallel to boost voltage and current?

    • ATtiny Fan / about 13 years ago / 1

      Yes they could, however the sheer number needed in parallel to charge that battery would be very impratical.

  • Member #226695 / about 14 years ago / 1

    can these be tied to gether to mak eup to a 12 or 18v feed?

    • ATtiny Fan / about 13 years ago * / 1

      Theoretically, if tied in series the would supply 12 or 18V, at 50uA, to use these for any practical purposes you would need to use hundreds in parallel to get even a few mA's.

  • Member #105131 / about 14 years ago / 1

    It may not "trickle charge" a battery, but it will do something analogous with many microcontrollers. For example, the MSP430G2231 (one of two microcontrollers in the $4.30 TI Launchpad Kit) draws 220uA@2.2V in Active Mode at 1 Mhz, but only 0.5uA in standby. In some monitoring applications, the microcontroller is mostly in standby, but wakes up every second, minute or hour to check a measurement, then goes back to sleep, resulting in a very low average consumption. One of these, charging an ultracap 8 hrs a day might maintain sufficient charge to run the uC as well as sufficient surplus to trigger an alarm signal if the monitored condition goes out of bounds. I've also been working with the Linear Technologies LTC3108, to turn low power sources into usable ones.

  • amanisdude / about 14 years ago / 1

    Is the datasheet correct in indicating that the internal "diodes" are aligned with the conventional current flow, not against it? If so, wouldn't it be pretty difficult to use these to "trickle charge" a battery?
    ("Trickle charge" always seems to be in quotes, so I'm wondering if it can really trickle charge anything, or if those words imply something else, like some sort of "simulated" trickle charge.)

    • ATtiny Fan / about 13 years ago / 1

      It depends, a "battery" would entitle many, many days of charging in full sun for a fair charge, a super capacitor could charge in a few hours.

  • sirus20x6 / about 14 years ago / 1

    4v 50Ua so how many to run an led under room lighting? also maybe use a capacitor and get at least a blink out of an led?

    • ATtiny Fan / about 13 years ago / 1

      Hooked up in parallel, 200 of these in perfect conditions could run a very little, low power Led, with a capacitor maybe a few hours of sun for a couple of minutes at a time, these are not designed for -all things being relative- high current applications.

  • cgmark / about 15 years ago / 1

    No this will not power a robot but if it produces 50ua in sunlight at 4V that is enough to charge a supercap that can then run some low power micros like the MSP430 from ti or the PIC16F1827.
    1 MSP430
    1 supercap
    1 cpc1822
    They all can fit on a 1 inch square pc board and you have a working sun powered micro.

  • Shadyman / about 15 years ago / 1

    For the price, you could always string together 10 or 20 of these at varying angles :P

  • SiliconFarmer / about 15 years ago / 1

    Combined with a 0.33F supercap, you can get a full charge (3.9v) in one day.
    With that power, you can run a 10mA LED for 1 minute. Or power an ATtiny at 32KHz in Idle 24/7 and wake up to take measurements several times a day.
    Yes, you need to be very careful about power saving modes and leakage.
    No, it will not charge your LiPo minty-boost.

    • phishinphree / about 15 years ago / 1

      Thats the link i was looking for. I think I'll be ordering a board or 3 on the next panel over there.

  • phishinphree / about 15 years ago / 1

    I've seen these used with a super cap to drive an underclocked pic for a couple mins a day. May be useful in a simple outdoor logging application. Something like logging soil moisture or daily sunlight measurements.

  • SiliconFarmer / about 15 years ago / 1

    There is no switcher, this is a raw solar cell which is effectively a stack of diodes. It will output a voltage relative to the amount of light. Noon-day summer sun I got about 4.2 volts open circuit. Indoors at 5pm indirect light 2 volts. Night indoor lighting 0.4 volts.

    • Hi gpeek,
      You are correct and the datasheet is incorrect. There is NOT "switching circuitry", as the datasheet puts it, within these solar cells. I will be sure to update the doc when the new one becomes available.
      Thanks for catching that!

  • Temo / about 15 years ago / 1

    Why would you need this? Too little current... and even if you boost the current, will you have enough voltage to drive anything?

  • GHH / about 15 years ago / 1

    So am I correct in thinking that this will give about 4V or nothing. When the light intensity reaches a threshold it'll start outputting 4V but it will stay at zero for any light below that threshold? Is this the "switching circuitry" mentioned?

    • Yes, that is correct. For you to get close to the 50uA spec at 4V, you will need to be in view of sunlight or a really intense lamp. The solar cell will not trigger to 4V with ordinary room light.

    • I'm wondering the same thing. At first I tought these devices had a step up switching converter that boosts the output voltage to around 4V. But I cant determine that for sure from the datasheet. They do look like pretty cool devices. They could be mounted on the PCB using standard pick-and-place.
      The price per amp seems pretty high though, and it might be tough finding an application for them with low enough current requirements. Personally I'm hoping Sparkfun starts stocking something like these:
      They are still relativly small cells but output 10's of milliamps (rather than microamps).

      • I am assuming they are using some kind of switcher as well to maintain the 4V.
        Also, thanks for the link! I will do some investigating to see if we can get our hands on something similar.

  • Snacks / about 15 years ago / 1

    4 volts from this? I bet it's crazy low current but still, very interesting.

    • Yeah, we have yet to test that figure. The datasheet specs 50uA in full sun I believe. But still cool!

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0 of 3 found this helpful:

I just received my cells, yay!

They look awesome, ill gives specs later... spark fun, plz change my feedback to 5 star, I cant.

Just checked... with a reading light like luminosity intensity, it gives 4.2 V and 2uA :(, but I think its would be better with sun light