ADH8066 GSM Module

Replacement: None. Unfortunately, this module is no longer being produced so we can no longer carry it in our catalog. This page is for reference only.

The ADH8066 is a miniature, quad-band GSM 850/EGSM 900/DCS 1800/PCS 1900 module, which can be integrated into a great number of wireless projects. You can use this module to accomplish almost anything a normal cell phone can - SMS text messages, GSM/GPRS, TCP/IP, and more! It also includes a SIM card socket on the back!

Check the datasheet for a full list of features.

We have the mating connector and the evaluation board for this module listed below.

ADH8066 GSM Module Product Help and Resources

Core Skill: Programming

If a board needs code or communicates somehow, you're going to need to know how to program or interface with it. The programming skill is all about communication and code.

2 Programming

Skill Level: Rookie - You will need a better fundamental understand of what code is, and how it works. You will be using beginner-level software and development tools like Arduino. You will be dealing directly with code, but numerous examples and libraries are available. Sensors or shields will communicate with serial or TTL.
See all skill levels

Core Skill: Electrical Prototyping

If it requires power, you need to know how much, what all the pins do, and how to hook it up. You may need to reference datasheets, schematics, and know the ins and outs of electronics.

3 Electrical Prototyping

Skill Level: Competent - You will be required to reference a datasheet or schematic to know how to use a component. Your knowledge of a datasheet will only require basic features like power requirements, pinouts, or communications type. Also, you may need a power supply that?s greater than 12V or more than 1A worth of current.
See all skill levels


Looking for answers to technical questions?

We welcome your comments and suggestions below. However, if you are looking for solutions to technical questions please see our Technical Assistance page.

  • cloverm / about 14 years ago * / 10

    I got this sucker working. This is how you pull a web page:
    OK ;test serial communications
    +CPIN: READY ; make sure SIM card is ready
    +ICCID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ; Read SIM card serial number if you need it
    +CSQ: 16,99 ;Check Quality of service, first number must be > 0 but not 99
    +AIPDCONT: "internet","","" ; set APN server, check with your SIM card provider
    +AIPA: 1,,0,0,0 ;Connect with APN server
    +AIPO: 1,"",4770,"",80,0,30,1,0,64000,8,7300,5720,-500,0) ;Connect to web server
    +AIPW: 1,0,7300,5720,18 ; Send "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" string to web server. It must be converted to ASCII HEX format
    ;You should get several lines of reply back from the server, also in ASCII HEX format
    +AIPRTCP: 1,0,6708,5720,768,"485454502F312E3020323030204F4B0D0A446174653A205468752C2..."
    +AIPC: 1
    OK ; Disconnect from the server

    • Member #419192 / about 12 years ago / 1

      How do you access specific pages? For example: "" Or how do you pass GET data into the URL? Example ""

    • rombo911 / about 12 years ago / 1

      works on mine too, thanks for ur post, it was very helpful

    • Member #328978 / about 12 years ago / 1

      Hi, does any sim card works on that? im in singapore and i can't seem to get pass the initializing stage.

    • Bin Wang / about 13 years ago / 1

      Hi cloverm: I am also using the TTl-rs232 ICL3232 chip instead of using the ADH8066 eval board, do you have schematic with your circuits which can help me get started?

    • SomeGuy123 / about 13 years ago / 1

      You can use four spaces in front of each line of code to format it as a code block. See "formatting help" next to the comment cancel button for more details.

    • jayk / about 14 years ago / 1

      What provider/rate plan were you using?

    • Antoine / about 14 years ago / 1

      Does this module require CTS, RTS etc... to be wired? In the datasheet it says "no hardware control", but Sparkfun seem to have wired it. How did you communicate with it? I hope it requires only +Vbat, GND, TX0 and RX0. Please confirm.

      • triden / about 12 years ago / 1

        No it does not. RX/TX only. Good to hold DTS down to ground with a 1k resistor.

  • jayk / about 14 years ago / 3

    Got it working on T-Mobile also. I went to a T-Mobile store and they signed me up for an Even More Plus Blackberry Unlimited plan (or something like that - my receipt says "EMPlus BBery & BIS VB"). Took a little digging through their computer until they found it. This is supposed to be unlimited data, no texting/SMS/MMS/voice. I'm paying $40/month with no contract (+$35 setup fee)... it's auto-billed to my card, but I can call and cancel a few days before any billing cycle. Initially they told me it was going to be $50/month, but when they put the order in it ended up being $40 for some reason. They also gave me a SIM card for free.
    So far it's working great. Only difference is the APN; now the command is:
    Other than that, cloverm's example works fine (along with the info in Enhanced AT Reference Manual).
    One caveat with this module and the related Sparkfun eval board - you will most likely need to use an external power supply. The ADH8066 can draw up to 2A in 600us pulses every 4.6ms (when the PA is operating), which is much higher than most USB ports can realistically source. Average operating current (while transmitting continuously) should be something like 600mA max, but the small amount of capacitance on the Sparkfun eval board isn't nearly enough to source the large current pulses.

    • Tom M. / about 13 years ago * / 1

      I've only been operating off of USB power up to this point and just ordered this module. Should this wall wart ( provide sufficient amperage to cover the pulses/spikes, or can anyone reference the best power setup to use this module?

      • SomeGuy123 / about 13 years ago / 1

        Invest in an Atx Power supply and Sparkfun's Benchtop Power Board Kit.

        • Tom M. / about 13 years ago / 1

          I agree that it's worth it to invest in a benchtop power board, but I'm wondering how you properly power this device in an embedded solution where you can't lug around an ATX power supply.
          From what I'm reading, I need to supply the device 4v (+/- .5v) and it will max out at 2A during high consumption. I'm sure this is probably easy for the EEs in the room, but can anyone explain their Arduino setup to make the power requirements of this device work? Are you using some sort of 4v regulator, resistors?
          Also, it would be immensely helpful if someone could point me in the right direction for a intro wiring and code sample for using this device for pure data communication (no voice, sms, etc). There seems to be ample documentation on the commands used to communicate with the device, I just need some help getting started with connecting it to my Arduino. Already have it loaded on the breakout board, but hesitant to begin wiring up. Thanks in advance for any help!

          • SomeGuy123 / about 13 years ago / 1

            You should get a large capacitor or two 2.5V super capacitors together in series to cover the spikes.
            Your other option would be a larger power supply with a 4V regulator or a voltage divide if your power supply outputs a fairly steady voltage.

            • Member #478779 / about 11 years ago / 1

              I know this is a reply to a 2yr old post but wouldn't we want parallel vs series? capacitance adds in parallel not series. And with the voltage... you would just want a voltage rating at least as high as what is being supplied.. so if you have a 9v power supply then you would probably get at least a 10v rated cap. It's the Farads that you want as high as possible I think right? The greater the farad the greater the ability to supply enough current over time I think.

              • Member #488106 / about 11 years ago / 1

                Series because he was using 2.5V rated caps. 2 (identical) caps in series have twice the voltage rating (and half the capacitance).

            • Tom M. / about 13 years ago / 1

              Thanks Paradoxial for your help with all of this. I was able to locate a 9v/2.5A power supply, and plan on running this through a 4V regulator. As a general point, will these spikes in 2A do any potential damage to my Arduino or other attached components? Or is the preferred route to use capacitors?

              • SomeGuy123 / about 13 years ago * / 1

                While the spikes won't harm any other devices, I suggest you add some decoupling capacitors before and after the regulator, since the 2.5A power supply isn't able to supply large amounts of current instantly.

  • illstr8or / about 12 years ago / 2

    I am building a GPS tracking/transmitting unit taking lat/long/speed/etc from an EM-408 GPS receiver, interfacing with an Arduino UNO R3, and sending the data using this ADH8066 GSM module to a web server and waiting PHP script to write the data to a MySQL database. I've noticed a few posts below (Bin Wang) that mentioned a very similar effort, so wondering if there's anyone who might share info how you achieved the same. Thanks in advance!

    • Member #403512 / about 12 years ago / 1

      Wow, I am also trying to interface this module with an Arduino UNO R3, and send the data using the ADH8066 to a web server and using a bash script to write the data to a MySQL database. Where in this process are you? I am have everything set up server side, and have am able to send a receive .txt files using the ADH8066 and a terminal emulator, but am having not sure how to interface the ADH8066 with the Uno R3. Let me know if you make progress and I will be sure to do the same.

      • mabnz / about 11 years ago / 1

        I'm also wanting to do the same. I've got as far as all the code written up, then found my Uno probably won't do the job (as you can't receive data from two SoftwareSerial ports at the same time).

        The Arduino Due has 4 UARTs, so it's likely I'll opt for hardware instead of software serial to get the job done.

  • I see a lot of your products that need connectors always have to purchase them separate...
    Why not just add the price to the module and include it and also sell separate connectors in case of screw ups?
    Im sure people forget to add the connector and then have to make another order and pay S/H again just for a connector.

  • benuk / about 14 years ago / 2

    please ignore that last comment, i was being dense :(

    • superbrudd / about 14 years ago / 2

      Good question though - obviously it requires an antenna, but it seems sparkfun do not sell interface cables to plug it into a normal SMA antenna? Anyone know where to get these?

  • Member #618656 / about 10 years ago / 1

    4 Frequency GPRS/GSM Module-EFCom Pro is an ultra compact and reliable wireless module.

  • dgerton / about 11 years ago * / 1

    BEFORE YOU BUY Contrary to the description, SFE carries neither the mating connector nor the eval board. They've retired the dev board, the breakout board, and don't carry the connector.

    I'm at my wit's end with this.

    • dgerton / about 11 years ago / 1

      Update: Tech Support (thanks Michelle) pointed me to Canakit, which has a finite number of both the breakout and dev boards in stock. Get 'em while you can.

      • dgerton / about 11 years ago / 1

        (Probably) Final Update: CanaKit's stock estimates were based on what they thought they could source from SFE.

        • There are no connectors for this module.
        • There is no breakout board for this module.
        • There is no devboard for this module.
        • It's too bumpy, small and expensive to use as a drink coaster

        • plasmator / about 11 years ago * / 1

          Connectors and Eval Boards Are Available

          • There are connectors for this module. A quick Googling of the retired part number led me to Mouser which has plenty in stock.

          • SparkFun is once again carrying their eval board, probably to help sell the remaining modules they have in stock.

  • Member #438924 / about 11 years ago / 1

    I'm having issues with this device. I have set it up as described in the hardware notes, connected it to my computer running Windows 7 via USB and I'm communicating with it using TeraTerm. I'm able to run AT commands: +CPIN, +AIPA,+AIPO and come up with sensible results (the IP address returned by +AIPO for "" actually goes to Google). However, I'm unable to write (+AIPW). I keep having Error 300 which, according to the Enhanced AT commands note, "Input AT commands format of TCPIP is incorrect". What's funny is that it worked a couple of nights ago and hasn't since then. Any ideas? At this point, I would love to reset the device to factory settings. Anyone know a command for doing that?

  • BenH2 / about 11 years ago / 1

    Can I ask a question - has anyone used this board within Australia with one of the telco's over here? Conceptually, I would hope that the GSM/GPRS standards are just that, but in practice I've noticed that what's considered a "standard" in America might not be what the rest of the world considers the same, and there's lots of examples of subtle differences in RF spectrum usage, and Telco behaviours that differ between USA and AUS. I'd love to pick one of these units up to hack around with, but it'd be great if someone in AUS has already tried this unit with a Telstra/Voda/Optus SIM and can confirm that it functions happily on one of these networks? Any Aussies able to offer me some piece of mind? Thanks heaps in advance!

  • Member #391151 / about 11 years ago / 1

    does this module require an antenna

    • Yup, check the related items below for the u.FL to SMA adapter cable and the mating antenna.

  • guruflorida / about 12 years ago / 1

    I found this module to be one of the easiest to setup and get working, I used the breakout board, but not the eval board. 1. I used a bench power supply with 2x 330uF caps plus 1x 47uF caps all in parallel and on the module side (so as to provide low impedance power to the module). 2. Tied DSR0 to GND. 3. Wired an FT232 breakout module into GND, RX0 and TX0. 4. Used the AT&T SIM card from my iphone. It's a micro-sim but I lined it up and it still worked. 4. Wired a switch from ONKEY to GND (basically a power enable) 5. Connected Putty to COMx with 115200 8N1, No flow control (otherwise default putty settings) Followed the samples in the Software Development Guide and I was calling phones and sending text messages. Note: The manuals always put 09 in front of the numbers (both voice and text) but this must be a non-NA thing. Here in the US simply use an AT command something like: (refer to SW Dev Guide for full example.) ATD5558675309;

  • guruflorida / about 12 years ago / 1

    I found this module to be one of the easiest to setup and get working, I used the breakout board, but not the eval board. 1. I used a bench power supply with 2x 330uF caps plus 1x 47uF caps all in parallel and on the module side (so as to provide low impedance power to the module). 2. Tied DSR0 to GND. 3. Wired an FT232 breakout module into GND, RX0 and TX0. 4. Used the AT&T SIM card from my iphone. It's a micro-sim but I lined it up and it still worked. 4. Wired a switch from ONKEY to GND (basically a power enable) 5. Connected Putty to COMx with 115200 8N1, No flow control (otherwise default putty settings) Followed the samples in the Software Development Guide and I was calling phones and sending text messages. Note: The manuals always put 09 in front of the numbers (both voice and text) but this must be a non-NA thing. Here in the US simply use an AT command something like: (refer to SW Dev Guide for full example.) ATD5558675309;

  • IanM / about 12 years ago / 1

    Could someone with one of these please test whether the Clock command works without a SIM card?


  • Member #419192 / about 12 years ago / 1

    My GSM module keeps turning off automatically whenever the SIM is inside and about 10 seconds have passed. It was working correctly up to yesterday but all of a sudden I am having these problems. Anyone knows of any auto shutdown AT commands?

    Another SIM works fine.

    • Member #419192 / about 12 years ago * / 1

      Found the problem. Whenever the module is fully activated and tries to send and receive data it pulls the 2A current which pulls down the voltage below 3.4V.

      Hence the module will turn off.

  • Fred_from_france / about 12 years ago / 1

    Hello, I just receive the GSM module and try to send some SMS. today, AT+CSQ command returns +CSQ: 0,99 => it seems that there is no network.

    question: should i connect an external antenna for gsm, or can the module communicates as it is ? Thanks for your help Fred

    • Fred_from_france / about 12 years ago / 1

      so i can answer to my own question : yes, this module need an external antenna to work. I found an old wifi metal antenna with micro sma connector and now, +CSQ is 10,99. I successfully send my first SMS.

      Here is this simple script I use if someone is interested :

      +ADSYS: BK=0x1,0x11, RV=0x1, Fail=0x0 +ADSYS: FLASH VERIFY OK

      Ready at OK

      at+cpin? +CPIN: SIM PIN

      OK at+cpin="xxxx" OK

      at+cpin? +CPIN: READY


      +CREG: 5,"1234","5678"

      OK at+cmgf=1 OK at+cmgs="+33XXXXXXXXX"

      hello from my embedded gsm" +CMGS: 2


      • MikeGrusin / about 12 years ago / 1

        Glad you have it working and thanks for posting your sequence! Just so you know, it's strongly recommended that you use an antenna of the correct frequency(s) (SparkFun part numbers are in the related products below). Using no or the wrong-frequency antenna can damage the transmitter.

        • Fred_from_france / about 12 years ago / 1

          Hi Mike, thank you for your comment. The antenna i use is a simple L form piece of metal that I got from a low cost wifi transmitter. Do you think it can even damage the gsm ? another question for you : the sparkfun antenna is quite large and I need a minimum space. In our GSM phone, we haven't big antenna : is it possible to get smallest antenna chip or piece of metal ?

          I'm also working ( now for integration ) with an arduino mini pro 3.3v but software serial link at 115200 fails ( ftdi work fine however ). Is it possible to slow down UART0 of the GSM module ???

          Thank you for your help

          • MikeGrusin / about 12 years ago / 2

            It's definitely better than nothing, and the closer the antenna is to the frequency you're putting into it, the less issues you'll have (maybe none). But the problem with mismatched antennas is that when all the RF energy can't be properly radiated, it bounces back to the transmitter, which can be damaged.

            We carry several antennas for these frequencies, but nothing as small as the fractal antennas within cell phones. You might google a bit and see if it's possible to make one yourself.

            From the AT commands datasheet above, it looks like you can use the +IPR command to change the baud rate from 115200 to something softwareserial can handle.

            I hope this helps, best of luck with your project!

            • Fred_from_france / about 12 years ago / 1

              Hi Mike, Thank you for your answer. I will take a closer look on these antennas.

              I use the command you tell me ( and that was of course in the extended commands datasheet !! ), and i notice something about this command : - sim must be inserted, otherwise command returns "ERROR" - sim must be "pined" with the pin code, otherwise returns "ERROR"...

              After that, i would be able to change the baudrate to 19200 ( for users that use Atmega328 (arduino mini pro ), 115200 baud rate returns wrong characters, so that why i have to decrease baudrate of the modem ).

              After changing baudrate, i got something strange ( but i pass over this ). The first characters of the modem (

              SystemInit +ADSYS: BK=0x1,0x11, RV=0x1, Fail=0x0 +ADSYS: FLASH VERIFY OK ) become unreadable ( i was unable to find the correct baudrate to read them... ) The first valid characters i got were : "+CREG: 0". I match them to begin the modem initialization and it works fine !!!!

              thank you again !!! Fred

  • Member #402281 / about 12 years ago / 1

    What are you guys powering this with? I see that the specs say 3.6 to 4.5v, but recommends 4.0V. Some here have stated that it has 2A surges. Looking at the voltage regulators, DigiKey doesn't have anything like that, at least in the fixed regulators. Someone else mentioned supercaps in series to cover the surges. Is this what you're doing?

  • Member #403604 / about 12 years ago / 1

    Could you please send me if you have Orcad Reference Schematic Design for ADH8066 GSM Module.

  • Member #398211 / about 12 years ago / 1

    can you tell me which items I have to buy to have fully functional module?

  • Member #398211 / about 12 years ago / 1

    hello goodnight, the module comes with the antenna and the development board? or is that extra? I await your prompt response.

    • This is just the module. If you want an evaluation board or antenna, you will need to purchase these separately. Please check the related products below for these items.

  • rombo911 / about 12 years ago / 1

    Hey, I'm in Canada and my sim card is registered with Fido, but every time I look up the IP address, I get: DINSA, Ministry of Defence as the ISP. Has anybody been able to get this working to transfer data over the internet, and if so, with which ISP?. Thans

  • dude / about 12 years ago / 1

    I would welcome any thoughts on the SM5100B versus the ADH8066. I have a GM862-QUAD which I used for GPS transmission, and love it because in includes a GPS receiver, but now I need to construct something equivalent. It looks like the ADH8066 might allow for a slightly more compact design. The help guide at suggest the only difference is U.FL vs SMA, but I am sure there are other variations.

  • Member #222386 / about 12 years ago / 1

    Can I swap this in on the arduino cell shield for the SM5100B?

    • Member #222386 / about 12 years ago / 1

      never mind, answered my own question with the datasheets. Different pinouts :(

  • Member #296575 / about 12 years ago * / 1

    hello, I have this module with the ftdi 3.3v. The power supply is a lead-acid battery with the lm350 voltage regulator. The module send the start message (SystemInit +ADSYS: BK=0x1,0x11, RV=0x1,Fail=0x0 +ADSYS: FLASH VERIFY OK Ready), the gpio3 and 10 work fine, and the wiring is exactly like the ADH8066BreakoutBoardWiringCircuitUpdate.pdf) but when i send a command, the answer is exactly the same string). Example AT -> AT

    AT+CMGF=1 -> AT+CMGF=1


    The line terinator CR, CRLF, LFCR, don´t change anything. Do you know what is the problem?

  • amrole / about 13 years ago * / 1

    I've run into the problem Member #322389 pointed out

    ������IIII SystemInit +ADSYS: BK=0x1,0x11, RV=0x1, Fail=0x0 +ADSYS: FLASH VERIFY OK


    If I type:


    I get: +CREG: (0-2)

    and for: at+csq I get: +CSQ: 21,99 (varies from time to time, so I guess my antenna is working fine)

    When I want to send a message I do:

    at+cmgf=1 OK


    at+cmgs="NUMBER TO SEND SMS TO"

    My Message

    Press ctrl+z (currently using GNU screen on mac)... the SMS is sent and delivered on the other end, however when I try to make a call to a local number it hangs up with a "NO CARRIER" error

    Quickly typing enter twice returns

    +Call: Abort Call +Call: Disconnect Call


    But still fails to establish the call

    The AT+COPS=? command shows, after a long time this:

    +COPS: (2,"","","43320"),(3,"","","43330"),(1,"","","43350")

    I would expect to see something like TELCEL, MOVISTAR, NEXTEL, etc. as available networks since I am in Mexico City. I'll see if I can figure it out and comment here in case someone else ever has this specific issue again. I hope someone can give me a clue on this as well.

    • amrole / about 13 years ago * / 1

      Alright, I am guessing it is in fact a power issue as it can receive calls w/ no problems and sparkfun says based on the datasheet that this module can be finicky about how power is provided to it (specially in the moments of greater current draw) i.e. first transmission when it starts up and during a call: exactly where I am having difficulties. Currently I'm using an AC/DC adapter running at 4,5v, 1amp... will look for a more suitable one.

  • aperera / about 13 years ago / 1

    Does anyone know how to send emails from a web based email provider (gmail / hotmail / gmail) using this modem? Would be most grateful for any help you can provide. Thanks.


  • Member #322389 / about 13 years ago * / 1

    Trying to do anything with ADH8066 and Evaluation board. Looks like modem does not want to register on the network: ...........IIII........ SystemInit

    +ADSYS: BK=0x1,0x11, RV=0x1, Fail=0x0









    +CSQ: 8,99



    +COPS: (1,"","","01362"),(2,"","","01314")








    ERROR: 301

    I am using sim card from embedded works ( and 12V/2A external power

    Any suggestions?

    • Member #322389 / about 13 years ago / 2

      Just got the reply from EmbeddedWorks. Although they say on the website that sim card has AT&T data plan, they are using their own APN and roam on the AT&T newtwork. The following configuration fixed the issue:


  • Asanka / about 13 years ago / 1

    Please help,

    Hardware:- The TxD (modem) line is pulled low and connected to the RxD pin in the processor The RxD (modem) line is pulled high and connected to the Txd pin in the processor RTS / CTS lines are left floating

    Firmware:- The USART is configured to operate Asynchronously at a baud rate of 115200, 8_bit, no parity, 1 stop bit. Power on Sequency :- Enable regulator -> delay 200ms -> set ON_KEY -> delay 2000ms -> clear ON_KEY -> delay 2500ms return; After power on, the Command_Ready LED (GPIO10) lit constantly, and the following message is received by the processor � SystemInit +ADSYS: BK=0x1,0x11, RV=0x1, Fail=0x0 +ADSYS: FLASH VERIFY OK

                At this point I try to send the characters �at\n\r�, yet I don�t get a response from the modem.
                When the same firmware is run while looping the TX and RX lines from just before the modem, I receive the transmitted characters. (External Loop works) But when the modem is inserted instead of the external loop, I don�t get any appropriate response.

    Would you have a sample program code which I could use to get a clearer picture of what I need to do? Any help in this regard would be most valuable. Many thanks Best regards,

    • Member #419192 / about 12 years ago * / 1

      I was having the same problems. I used the breakout board and connected the module as shown here:

      That is, ensure that you connect DSR0 through a 1k resister to GND.

  • Member #944 / about 13 years ago * / 1

    How are you guys updating the firmware? Can somebody upload the tools to do so? Thanks!

  • Does this come with an antenna or is it sold separately?

    • Member #944 / about 13 years ago / 1

      You need to buy an interface cable for SMA to U.FL and an antenna separately. Look below in related products. In the USA your antenna needs to support 850 and 1900 MHz.

  • Member #297938 / about 13 years ago / 1

    Anyone using the Arduino Uno and this module together?

  • Member #312309 / about 13 years ago / 1

    Hi, do you have more information about audio application? In particular, how to interface an electret microphone? Do you think this breakout board ( could be used with ADH8066 breakout board for hands free operation? Thank you.

  • Bin Wang / about 13 years ago / 1

    Based on my experience, this module can only retrieve and read files from FTP but impossible to create and write. I read through the AT-cmd manual and there is only +AFTPO and +AFTPRETR +AFTPDATA but no sending cmd! But I want to use this module as wireless transmitter to transfer the GPS data back to the website server. Anyone can give me some information how to do it using this sucker!

    • zv470 / about 13 years ago / 1

      Hmm, I wouldn't use FTP for that kind of thing. Better solution would be to write a server in ruby or node.js to receive your data. Just my 2c. :] I can't see why you couldn't send FTP though?

      • Bin Wang / about 13 years ago / 1

        Hi, zv470 thank you for your information. When I was posting my comments one month ago, sparkfun has not posted the FTP send cmd yet and I emailed the ADH company in Taiwan and they gave me the detail FTP at cmd. Right now it works perfect as I want and I am working to use Arduino to implement my idea automatically. thanks again.

  • Bin Wang / about 13 years ago / 1

    I am using the ICL3232 chip to communicate with GSM ADH8066, does anyone here have the schematic of your own project to help me get started? it is so annoying can't connect to the Serial terminal. Many thanks. (For testing, I am using the DC generator to supply the 3.3V for ICL3232 and 3.8 for ADH8066)

  • Member #302355 / about 13 years ago / 1


    I am using this module interfaced with an IRIS mote to send an SMS. I am able to get the module working with my PC hyperterminal. Also I am able to interface my mote with the PC using UART0 configured at the GSM module setting. However when I connect the mote and ADH8066, it does not work. I am only connecting Rx,Tx,Gnd and Vcc. Do I need CTS and RTS? Is there anything else I should be checking?

  • Jwd270 / about 13 years ago / 1

    I too was able to get this board working. I made the mistake of buying a $3 GoPhone for the sim card. The GoPhone sim cards are not compatible with this module. However if you go to an ATT store, they will give you a sim card for free. I was able to call the 800 number and have them register the new sim on my GoPhone account and I was in business. If I hadn't already setup the GoPhone, I would have been able to register the free sim directly on ATTs webpage.

    The AIP server that worked for me was "wap.cingular", no username or password.

  • Just a note from ADH Tech in regards to module commands:

    "It doesn’t support the command of AT+IFC
    If you need Hardware Flow control ( RTS/CTS ) , the default setting of module is off If you need to turn on/off the module , you can use the commands below. Enable: AT+SFUN=HFC Disable: AT+SFUN=HFN Query: AT+SFUN?"

  • Level128 / about 13 years ago / 1

    Anyone have a copy of the firmware update? The link for it on this page doesn't work.

  • djd / about 13 years ago / 1

    This looks like a nice module for industrial controllers and GSM VoIP gateways.

    I have 2 questions, the answer to which I've not found in the data sheet or app notes.

    1. If it possible, and if so how does one use the PCM bus for audio (as opposed to the analog interface). What is the timing for this interface?

    2. How does one use the raw data interface? I see that the module provides a TCP/UDP socket interface, but I need to use the native TCP/IP stack in the Linux kernel running on our micro controller. Is there a SLIP or PPP interface, or something like that?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who knows or has tried either of these, J.

  • funjon / about 13 years ago / 1

    If you are prototyping with this and you hook it up to a Mac computer, you will need the FTDI usbserial driver for MacOS X - can be downloaded here -> The 10.6 version works with Lion (as of 10.7.2 on my MBP). It then shows up as /dev/tty.usbserial, and works great.

    Now, I am using this to build a messaging device for our production monitoring - Email-to-SMS gateways are so unreliable and annoying. However, I'd like to have a way for the device to request the prepaid balance (and have my software automatically alert me that it's getting low). I know that, for example, on T-Mobile, with a phone I put in #999# and hit send, and it sends a network request of some kind. I've flipped through the AT command set docs for a few minutes and not found anything on how to make it work. Does anyone know how to send this special network request (and how to get the response) with the ADH8066 breakout board/module? Thanks!

    • Member #301457 / about 12 years ago / 1

      The following works for me on a different network that has an equivalent special number of *101#.



      +CUSD: 1,"Available Balance: R 0.00 .Cell C To Cell C Minutes: 03:20:00.SMS/MMS: 195.Data: 200.00 MB.",64

  • Member #261840 / about 13 years ago / 1

    The link to Firmware upadate is broken. Can someone from SPE please look into it?

  • Member #261840 / about 13 years ago / 1

    I just bought one of boards. Just wondering if anyone had problem getting the device started (Powered on).

    The hardware reference guide suggests that the power supply should be applied only after the CTS and DSR pin is pulled high, this means that the power supply to the board needs to be controlled via the MUC. Now, this is a power hungry device, can consume up to 2A. No transistor that I am aware of can handle this load during spikes.

    How did you guys get around this?

    • watterman / about 12 years ago / 1

      Is it essential that CTS/DSR are both pulled high before power is applied? Is it sufficient if they are pulled high from the same supply voltage, therefore only pulled high as power is applied???

      I am tossing up between the ADH8066 and the SM5100B, prefer the ADH8066 as it has sim on-board which means less discrete components and less board space, however I have already used the SM5100B successfully and it didn't seem to care about logic levels on pins before power was applied.

    • ucAndy / about 13 years ago / 1

      Don't have this product yet, but any power FET will handle this. Choose a P-ch with a low Rds like NDP6020P (check mouser or digikey).

  • Sparky402 / about 13 years ago / 1

    Has anybody ever noticed that Sparkfun's building and drive looks like a SIM card?,+-105.20997

  • andmar / about 13 years ago / 1

    does this module work (to send/receive sms) if only rts, cts is connected?
    has anybody experience in using this module with a .net micro framework gadgeteer device?

  • Member #34037 / about 13 years ago / 1

    I just bought this. It's up and running, AT+CSQ gives me +CSQ: 18,99
    But I can't send/receive sms or make/take calls. Looks to mee that it doesn't register on the network.
    AT+COPS=? gives me this:
    +COPS: (3,"N NetCom GSM","","24220"),(3,"","","24250"),(3,"N Telenor","","24210")
    As I understand, 3 means "forbidden". Doesn't sound good.
    Any ideas?

    • Member #34037 / about 13 years ago / 1

      It worked with a SIM card from another operator. Dont't know why.

  • Dai / about 13 years ago / 1

    I'm considering using this module in a commercial product.
    Does anyone know if the module is PTCRB and FCC certified?
    Does anyone know of a good source for information on these subjects?

    • Member #414215 / about 12 years ago / 1

      Old post I know but since there is no answer I thought I would speak up. Per the manufacturer this module has: Certification: CE/ FCC/ GCF/ PTCRB.

      However it is important to note that for any commercil product you will still have to have your final product 3rd party tested as an intentional emmitter even if this module is already certified.

  • Joed / about 13 years ago / 1

    I made great things with your products

  • MrWidget / about 13 years ago / 1

    Anybody have luck getting this thing to talk at anything other than 115200? Like using the +IPR command? I wonder if it stores the current BR on the SIM or if it forgets the BR...

  • iavalos / about 13 years ago / 1

    Hello, does anybody know if I can use this module to control a relay?

  • Doov / about 14 years ago / 1

    Do other people see the datasheet as garbled? The pinout is totally illegible (multiple lines of text overlapping etc). I can't find a datasheet on the manufacturer's website either. SFE, do you have a better copy?

    • That is the datasheet from the manufacturer's website unfortunately. There is a better version of the pin out in the hardware guide on page 22.

      • Seth K / about 13 years ago / 1

        Just to clarify, that's page 22 of the hardware application notes.

  • Member #204900 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Is the UART 3.3V TTL compatible?

  • LouwH / about 14 years ago / 1

    I am completely new to GSM modules and have 2 questions:
    1) Can you operate this with only using pins +Vbat, GND, TX0, RX0?
    2) Do I have to buy an separate antenna for this to work?
    Thank you

  • tribal / about 14 years ago / 1

    I have a quick question, this may seem out of left field, but would it be possible to get relative GPS positions from connection to the cell towers using this module? I know for example the iphone gets gps from cell and wifi networks.

    • it triangulates based on the distance from each cell tower. It is different than GPS locating. I'm not sure if this is possible, as you would need to get the delay or signal strength from each tower and use that to calculate distance.
      you would be better off just using GPS, it's MUCH easier.

  • Member #215912 / about 14 years ago / 1

    i would like to ASK , can i work with this using Arduino mega ? and apply the same tutorial but change the liberty stuff ? please help me

  • cloverm / about 14 years ago / 1

    I'm considering purchasing a larger quantity of this modem. I would like to get some feedback from other people that tried it. Has anyone has seen any major issues with it?

  • swinchen / about 14 years ago / 1

    Ok, using a combination of cloverm, and jayk (for the APN settings) I was able to get this module working with AT&T GO Phone ($25 for 3 months!?!?! NOT BAD! Also I consider $0.01/KB not too bad for low data rate applications) What I learned is that the orange/white SIM cards that come with GO phones are junk. Just purchase one of the orange/white/blue 4G sim cards on ebay and call AT&T and activate it as a GO Phone. Internet worked flawlessly and I was able to download google's webpage as demonstrated in cloverm's post.
    P.S. I used the "Simple Rate Plan" and added $25 which is good for 90 days. $100 will get you a year and ~9.54 MiB. Perfect for weather-station like applications.

  • TopHat / about 14 years ago / 1

    Works great in North Dakota with a $6 t-mobile prepaid sim, and the $15 a month plan with unlimited text and $.10 a minute(i'll never use). Data won't work as t-mobile doesn't support data while roaming. haven't had any hiccups at all, works great. Other than bricking the device with the sparkfun breakout board :D

  • TopHat / about 14 years ago / 1

    does anyone else have problems updating the firmware on this device?

    • cloverm / about 14 years ago / 1

      I've updated the firmware on several modems. The most important thing is that the power to the modem has to be OFF when you click the Download Now! button. Turn the power on a few seconds after clicking the button.

      • swinchen / about 14 years ago / 1

        Are you using the breakout board provided by sparkfun? If so would you mind giving a step-by-step procedure for updating the firmware?

        • cloverm / about 14 years ago / 1

          I did not use the breakout board. I used my target device with a Maxim RS232 chip to connect to the computer. You should be able to use the breakout board with an external power supply, but I have not tried it myself.

    • swinchen / about 14 years ago * / 1

      Yes, I too had a problem. My module was crashing (and resetting) using a GO Phone SIM from AT&T. I contacted the manufacturer and they thought it was an outdated firmware so they sent me the most recent version. It failed while flashing and effectively bricked the module. The manufacturer thought it was probably a defective flash chip.
      I would be interested to hear if anyone has successfully updated their flash.

      • TopHat / about 14 years ago / 1

        i ended up using a max3232 chip to connect directly to the board as apposed to using the breakout board from sparkfun, were you using the breakout board?

        • swinchen / about 14 years ago / 1

          Am I understanding this correctly... you applies RS-232 level signals directly to the cellular module? It seems like would exceed (by a large margin) the voltage tolerance on the UART.
          I am using the breakout from sparkfun. I haven't dared trying to update the firmware on this one.

          • TopHat / about 14 years ago / 1

            a max3232 chip converts rs-232 signal to the 3v signal for the cell module.

  • jayk / about 14 years ago / 1

    Has anyone gotten this to work on AT&T? I put the SIM from my iphone into this, and I get as far as the at+aipa=1 command, but then I keep getting "ERROR: 301". Maybe AT&T knows this thing isn't an iphone so they're refusing to give me an IP.
    Here's the transcript of what I've tried so far:
    +ICCID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    +CSQ: 7,99
    +AIPDCONT: "CMNET","",""
    ERROR: 301
    +AIPDCONT: "internet","",""
    ERROR: 301
    +AIPDCONT: "Internet","",""
    ERROR: 301
    ERROR: 301

    • jayk / about 14 years ago / 2

      Just figured it out... for AT&T, you need to do this:
      then everything else works great.

    • cloverm / about 14 years ago / 1

      Try AT+AIPDCONT="wap.cingular", I'm not sure however if it will work or not.

  • Member #204900 / about 14 years ago / 1

    I was using TMobile prepaid broadband and it wasnt working. After about an hour of troublshooting with a very helpful guy at the TMobile store we were able to get it working. I switched to the month-to-month Blackberry unlimited data plan. The problem with the prepaid broadband is that its meant for a USB dongle that expects config info from a PC. We tried pay as you go and that doesnt usually have direct access to the internet (it goes through, a tmobile proxy). The blackberry data plan is essentially a smartphone plan without the phone capabilities, which is a perfect fit for this device if your looking for data only capabilities.
    Hope this info might help someone

  • cloverm / about 14 years ago / 1

    FCC ID: TLTACM8066
    Just in case anyone else needs it...

  • Member #204900 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Make sure you have your terminal program append each command with CR or CRLF otherwise the device wont respond to the command.
    This drove me nuts for about an hour and then I saw AT reference a command postfixed with CR. I had my terminal appending LF. I changed it and problem solved!

  • MattyC / about 14 years ago / 1

    Just a note: The 'Software Development Guide' links to the 'Hardware Application Notes'

  • JohnM. / about 14 years ago / 1

    You will need a Quad Band Cellular Antenna and interface cable with this module. I used WRL-09145, a SMA to U.FL interface cable, and CELL-00675, a Quad Band Cellular Antenna.

  • theredrook / about 14 years ago / 1

    can this be interface with arduino uno and be programmed to send sms? please reply.
    thank you.

  • Member #167681 / about 14 years ago / 1

    What is it going to take to get one of these things in a PCI express format?

    • BenH2 / about 11 years ago / 1

      There are heaps of PCI and PCI-e GSM/GPRS telephony cards on the market already. Google "PCI GSM cards". They're used in IP telephony for offloading mobile calls to cheap mobile carrier plans, but can also be used for data communications etc.

    • erich81 / about 14 years ago / 1

      a pci express interface chip, for starters.

  • jgt_fz6 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Is there any update on the breakout board for this device (I see there is an eval board available, but I am not seeing the breakout board)?

  • Member #167681 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Wait a second? How come this is 50 bucks and the other modules are 100 bucks? What's the difference? Is the price of these things comming down?

  • TomL / about 14 years ago / 1

    Has anyone managed to get this module working?<br />
    We bought 2, we have managed to turn both on. Once turned on it shows gibbersh followed by Ready.<br />
    <br />
    We verified we got power and that the our TX and RX is wired properly and we have confirmed that our message gets onto the device.<br />
    <br />
    We have tried the RTS and other pins also without luck. Any advice will be appreciated.

  • diepvu / about 14 years ago / 1

    hi all.<br />
    I am confusing to choose between ADH8066 and SIM5100B. <br />
    Could you give me the advises,pls?

    • It really depends on what you need. If you need an LED, neither will work well :-)<br />
      <br />
      Ask around the forums for people's experience or contact if you need help with the differences.

  • benuk / about 14 years ago / 1

    Does this require an antenna?

  • PalmTreesandPICs / about 14 years ago / 1

    I wonder why no one has brough out a product like this but with a "basic stamp" format...
    ... i would buy "millions" of this product if only i could just grab it an plug it into my protoboard.. and then straight to my pcb without getting the smd conector...
    Cell module + 2mm pitch header + simcard holder = $hit$
    the arduino shield almost does it... but i run PICs.
    just a thought...

  • DavidEGrayson / about 14 years ago / 1

    It would be helpful if you could add a link to some good documentation of the V25 command set (the command set used by this device) because there is no such link in the datasheet.
    There is a very similar product for twice the price:
    Anyone know how this product differs from the DroneCell? I think the DroneCell doesn't have an audio interface, but it is easier to make connections to. Are there any other important differences in features?

  • AndrewOrtman / about 14 years ago / 1

    Does anyone recommend a cheap way to acquire a SIM card that has data capabilities? I only have a sprint plan (CDMA instead of GSM) so I cant just grab a sim card and add it as a new line on my account

  • They're both cell modules :-)

    • __sen / about 14 years ago / 1

      Yes, but it says "The SM5100B is a miniature..." in the description of this product (the ADH8066), which is confusing.

  • prancius / about 14 years ago / 1

    What about break out board for this module?

  • mnabarro / about 14 years ago / 1

    Change the description, somebody could think you copied from the SM5100B module ;)

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