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AVR-PG1B is programmer based on serial port PonyProg design. It takes the power supply from the target board. The connector is 2x5 pin with 0.1" step and Atmel STKxxx compatible layout.
Supported Devices: The currently supported devices by PonyProg software, which can be programmed by AVR-PG1B are:
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Nice programmer. It works very well under Linux with avrdude: the programmer type (for the -c option) is "ponyser". I'm also using the AVR programming adapter (BOB-08508) which is nice for getting the signals onto a breadboard. The programmer works by bit-banging the modem control lines, which (according to what I've read) means it will probably not work with a USB->serial adapter.
It is amazing how many of the comments below veer off on a tangent of nubness from not having read this first comment. +stars for you, sir
It does work with USB->Serial but its a really bad idea :)
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Does anyone have the AVRDUDE CONF file containing the ponyser programmer or instructions on how to add it? Attempting to use the AVRDUDESS GUI. I have the CONF file that contains the ATmega328 device, but doesn't have ponyser. Thanks!
I have noticed these type of "DASA" cables with zener regulation will emit -0.7V when the serial port has a negative voltage. This is outside the specifications for ATmega chips which have an absolute maximum negative voltage on I/O pins of -0.5V. Will this cable damage these devices?
Seem unlikely that this is safe.
Anyone????????? Maybe it's OK because it has current limiting resistors?
I need to use this to update the firmware on the graphic LCD backpack ( Does anyone know which pins to connect to make it work?
Can this be used to update the firmware on the graphic LCD backpack sold here?
If Some body want to buid his own
check out this schematic
does this one work with ATtiny2313? If it doesn't than can anyone show me one that does?
I bought the beginning microcontrollers kit which came with the parallel port programmer, then realized my USB printer adapter wouldn't work and neither of my PCs has a parallel port.
I then used a transistor and some resistors to convert the parallel adapter into this part (from schematic). It works with the USB serial adapter (Prolific).... Only it works at ~5-10 bytes/sec, meaning a 1.5 kB program takes ~11 minutes to download.
I got so fed up I just ordered an Atmel AVR ISP2 usb adapter from digikey.
It's rather annoying how the pins aren't wide enough to span the gap on a breadboard. It means that I have to connect it to the breadboard with just plain wire instead of a header pin like some of these. It makes it really unstable and a pain to disconnect and reconnect.
Does anyone else have this problem/found a way around it?
o sorry conterller is 328p.
how i can programe should help.
This link 404s^
That must be from before everything was relocated. I think this was the intended target:
hello how can i program atmega 168 on board controller with with this programmer AVR STK Serial Port Dongle Programmer.
the output of programmer is 10 pin but on board 6 pins are available to program...
i am waiting for helpful answer
thank you
Additional info:
i made it work with both the arduino IDE and avrdude. They both need some tweaking though.
AVRdude: you have to add support for atmega328p in case there isn't. Search for the .CONF file and add this part to it:
Arduino IDE: modify the boards.txt file. Either add your own board or modify an existing, but make sure the upload protocol is "ponyser" and not "stk500".
If you need help feel free to mail me at frsmnk at msn dot com.
it WILL work with the atmega328
Will it work with the ATmega328?
hey guys can anyone confirm if this cable with work with the avrstudio software? and i'll be using it with atmega32.
This programmer, when used with avrdude, appears to hold the micro in reset after programming. Is there any way around this?
Using this device with AVRDude, I am able to see it (the programmer) but NOT the ATMega168 chip I have it hooked up to. I am using a serial->usb adapter with this hookup, I'm guessing I've wired my chip up wrong or fried it, since I am able to talk to the programmer.
So, it seems like Serial->USB is working at least to talk to the programmer. OSX Snow Leopard with KeySpan USB Serial adapter. I will update if I get the chip programmed with this setup.
Although this programmer is a little slow, it works great. Just be sure to download the LATEST VERSION OF PonyProg! (If you do not, PonyProg might not detect your MCU)
And in case you were wondering if it will program your MCU using a 3.3V supply, it does. :-)
I picked up a usb->serial for this very purpose, and PonyProg doesn't find the programmer with any of the settings I've tried. (Actually mine looks slightly different but it's an Olimex serial and this is closest.) Will probably find a USB programmer soon...
I checked olimex's site and it says "will not work with rs232 converters". Too bad :( I also tried using usb to serial at first, with no luck.
Any word on whether or not these work with USB->serial adapters?
I got it to work with my USB/Serial adapter but it was very slow.