Replacement: None. This is an unsupported version of the Arduino Pro. Arduino does not support 20mhz.
It's blue! It's skinny! It's the Arduino Pro! SparkFun's minimal design approach to Arduino. This is a 5V Arduino running the 20MHz bootloader.The power switch was moved to the side of the board (good idea Limor!) to allow control when a shield is attached.
Please note: The right-angle power switch is fragile. We're working on making the switch stronger. For now, please be gentle.
This is a 20MHz board. This will get you maximum speed out of the ATmega328, but the current version of Arduino does not support the ATmega328 running at 20MHz. You can use the 'Arduino Duemilanove w/ 328' setting, but the timing and delays will assume the board is at 16MHz, so everything will run faster and may mess up timing limitations.
Arduino Pro does not come with connectors populated so that you can solder in any connector or wire with any orientation you need. We recommend first time Arduino users start with the Duemilanove. It's a great board that will get you up and running quickly. The Arduino Pro series is meant for advanced users that understand the limitations of system voltage (5V), lack of connectors, and USB off board.
We wanted Arduino Pro to be low profile. The DC power jack footprint is available, but not populated. We recommend running the board with a LiPo battery for better portability.
We really wanted to minimize the cost of an Arduino. The Arduino Pro is like the Arduino Duemilanove (same pin out) but to keep the cost low, we used all SMD components, made it two layer, etc. This board connects directly to the FTDI Basic Breakout board and supports auto-reset. The Arduino Pro also works with the FTDI cable but the FTDI cable does not bring out the DTR pin so the auto-reset feature will not work.
We welcome your comments and suggestions below. However, if you are looking for solutions to technical questions please see our Technical Assistance page.
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I would still like one of these, you still got any that you haven't sold yet then or have they all gone?
As TheMoogle says, there is a quick fix for this.
The ATmega 644 wasn't supported (but now sanguino uses it), the ATmega 645 wasn't supported (Illuminato uses is).
There are loads of boards that were not supported but can be sorted to work fine.
As I said before, they are gone. We will never make them again. NEVER :-)
Replace this, please!
It will never be replaced, sorry. It's not supported by the Arduino community.
whaaaat?! when did this come out?
will a 16mhz version be available at this pricepoint?
this looks like a great way to transfer your one-off projects to a finished product! cheap, same layout as the dev board, no wacky pin spacing like the pro mini, half the price! nice one!
We actually had to retire this item because it is totally unsupported by the Arduino IDE. Lame, I know.
We put the price so incredibly low to get the ones we had in stock out of stock. We have the 5V-16MHz board in stock, it just costs the standard $20:
there is a easy fix to this...
I got 2, both were acting funny, looked at them under a microscope and there was a lot of solder paste between several of the pins that was not melted and shorting them out. so if you have this same problem just give your arduino pro 20 mhz a alcohol bath and scrub it with a brush
Too late. Added it to my cart but was not fast enough :(.