WIZnet Embedded Web Server Module - WIZ200WEB

Replacement: None. It's time for this product to step aside and make room for more cool stuff. This page is for reference only.

WIZnet's WIZ200WEB combines their W5300 embedded TCP/IP controller with Atmel's popular ATmega128 8-bit MCU. The pairing of those two chips turns the WIZ200WEB into a tiny, embedded web server. The webpage can be stored in the serial flash memory of the board, and can be updated through the network.

Two pairs of 10-pin, 0.1" pitch headers break out a number of handy pins on the ATmega and W5300. Power is unregulated on-board and should be supplied from a clean 3.3VDC source.

  • Embedded Web Server module integrating an Atmega128 & W5300
  • Operates as an HTTP server
  • Available Testing
    • Digital output - LED & LCD Control LCD not included)
    • Digital input & analog input through web browser
  • Guarantee system stability and reliability by using W5300
  • Provide Configuration Tool Program
  • Easy configuration and control
  • Supports 10/100 Mbps Ethernet* Board: 42x60mm


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  • kf2qd / about 13 years ago / 1

    For someone working with Arduine the WIZnet product might be percieved as a bit friendlier. All the ENC28J60 experimenter boards are designed around PIC boards and products.

    The ENC28J60 has 1 socket and the 5300 has 8 sockets available.

    Wonder if the Arduino bootloader could be put on the 128 and simplify the programming hardware that way? Also make it a little easier for an Arduino user to work with.

    We have a older GPS clock at the TV Station and something like this make a nice small device to hang on the serial port and transmit the time to the computers on the network. Or setup as an NTP time server...

  • Member #84737 / about 13 years ago / 1

    By the way, the communication between "WIZ200WEB Configuration Tool" and the WIZ200WEB Module is through serial (TXD0, RXD0)

    Before I start I thought its gonna be through the Ethernet

    Make sure its 3.3v serial, u can use the SFE "Logic Level Converter"

  • ThinkerT / about 13 years ago / 1

    Just a question - Why use as WIZnet SMD chip when there is the ENC28J60? That one is DIP and has only 28 pins. Much easier to deal with. Is there an advantage over one chip or the other?

  • Amit3 / about 13 years ago / 1

    anyone know how to get it to enable DHCP by default? having to enable it every time I turn it on is a pain. I can't seem to find the option anywhere in the code.

  • SgtJake / about 13 years ago / 1

    Is there a simple break out board available for this module? I don't want to have to buy the development board.

  • WAISENG / about 13 years ago / 1

    i am unable to locate the wiznet.rom file described in the manual to upload to the WIZ200WEB
    Where can i get the file/source?

  • B2Blog / about 13 years ago / 1

    Any reason I should get this instead of the standard Ethernet shield? Or vice versa?

  • CBeener / about 14 years ago / 1
     I hate to be a pest but I got my self into trouble with the WIZ200web module.  

    I was able to get mine to work OK, but I built up a home brew version of the development board that Wiznet has for this module.
    We made a baseboard for the Wiz200 to plug into . It has a 4 line LCD , One pot on the ADC0. and the ICSP plug.
    Yesterday we got it all working .
    We used WIZ200Web_Config_Tool_source_V1_2
    The MAC detection worked was able to set the TCP/IP.
    The web page from there setup for the baseboard work.
    We had three versions of ROM file wizweb_Ver1_1.rom was the first we used all OK.
    then we tried the wizweb.rom file that was an older file and it work but the analog didn't work. When reloaded the original ROM file all work again.
    This is where we got into trouble is that we tried the third ROM file that had the same name as the second file but it was got some where else on the internet. We didn't notice that file was only 56K long not 260K or so long like other two files.
    The LCD still says the same info on it.
    I can ping the TCP/IP and it works.
    My web browser don't see the WIZ200 module.
    The WIZ200Web_Config_Tool_source_V1_2 dosesn't see the module at all not even the MAC address.
    So we can't upload the good ROM file.
    We connected the PonyProg2000 hardware to the baseboard via ICSP connection
    Had the power on the baseboard as its power. 3.3volts not 5 volts.
    The programmer can see the Mega128 .
    We had check and rechecked the ICSP wiring and all look good. We even check from the ICSP connection to the Mega128 and all was good.
    We got the PonyProg2000 program to work.
    We changed the hardware on the PonyProg2000 interface to ICSP so it runs on 3.3 volts as well as having 1K resistors inline with the SCK and MISO pins the MOSI was connected direct to the RS-232 hardware.
    It does all functions Read/Write to Fuse/Flash and Rom.
    If we program the Wiz200 to Version 1.1 that is what the LCD reads. or if we program the 1.3 version it will display that on the LCD.
    What don't work is the Web server isn't working along with the WIZ-Web_V1_2.exe or MAC_TOOL-WIZ200Web.exe . We can take the ether net cables RJ45 and plug it into or laptop and connect to the internet.
    There is a Linksys router that the cable and the to my Desktop and / or laptop cable is connected at. My Desktop has an IP if the orginal IP on the Wiz200 that we setup was Since we used the ICSP port on the Wiz200 baseboard the new upload changed it. We now can't even ping the Wiz200 board. With any of the IP's.
    If we could see the MAC address of the Wiz200 The IP address shouldn't matter.
    Can you help me ? What I'm I doing wrong ?
    I think it is the W5300 chip ? We could order one and replace it. That would be no problem for me to do.
    Charles A Beener
    EMail: cbeener AT columbus.rr.com

  • WB4JFI / about 14 years ago / 1

    I was able to get mine to work OK, but I built up a homebrew version of the development board that Wiznet has for this module. I can get the LEDs to turn on/off, read the switches and pots, and display messages on the LCD display. I bought the little temp sensor chip from digikey, and that works as well. I did need to change the IP address, and enable DHCP, through the Wiznet configuration program, if I remember correctly. The enet leds work fine too.
    Wiznet has a document for their development/EVM board, which shows how to use the module with the existing code on the module, go to their website. Then, try to change that after confirming the existing stuff works fine.
    I plugged by Wiznet enet cable right into a standard switch port on my LAN, it gets an IP address from the router just fine, after I config'ed it to do that.
    I have not tried to modify the existing code yet. But, I believe all the code is available, either here at Sparkfun, or on the Wiznet website.
    I'm happy so far...
    Terry, WB4JFI

  • KevinJConnell / about 14 years ago / 1

    In was able to get this to connect with my desktop, but no luck past that point. Looking at the Wiznet website tutorial, it looks as if their full kit comes with some additional software that would be very helpful; but the ROM-maker files shown on the tutorial are not available for download as far as I can see.
    Also you have to program the MCU with an Atmel ISP programmer and I was unsuccessful doing this with my cobbled up arrangement using the ISP port of my STK500. If fuses are set on the '128 there is no way to ISP program it-- it must be high-voltage programmed. The tutorial mentions "unmounting" the '128 for this. This is not feasible with the tools available to me.
    Any ideas?

    • BenHowe / about 14 years ago / 1

      Did you connect it to your desktop with a crossover cable or with a hub? Can you describe how you powered it. I have not been able to get mine to do anything. Thanks.

  • BenHowe / about 14 years ago / 1

    I have not been able to get this to operate. I hooked up the pins labeled 3.3V and GND to a regulated 3.3V source and the power light comes on, but I have not been able to see the device with the configuration tool. Also the link lights don't come on. I have tried connecting using a hub. Should I use a crossover cable directly to the device? Any help to get me started would be grealty appreciated.

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