Member Since: June 7, 2017
Country: United States
I've been crafting a web interface to update an ESP32 using BLE. Check out the tutorial!
I have finally gotten the hardware in (mostly) working order for my wacky fiber optic light suit. Let's check out what I've done!
I'm using six of the same sensor in my fiber optic suit, with only four hardware configurable addresses. I need to take advantage of my ESP32 to create multiple I2C buses.
Terrify your coworkers! Annoy your friends! How many people in upper management can I frighten without losing my job?
I'm doing a whole lot of package development for Microsoft MakeCode; let's take a closer look at how it works.
Wes and I collaborated on some code to take your current Spotify album art and display it on a 64x64 LED matrix. Let's check it out!
I recently figured out how to make a custom-shaped screen using an ESP32 and DMX512 over ArtNet. Let's check it out.
I was recently approached by music producer Decadon to add lights to an already custom guitar to make it even more one-of-a-kind. Let's check out some of the challenges I faced.
Let's figure out just how fast we can push data through APA102 pixels. Then let's look at what we can do with super fast lights.
ArtNet DMX is an industry standard in wireless lighting control. Let's figure out how to create our own ArtNet node so we can control pixels over the WiFi. We'll also figure out how to set up our custom fixture in Resolume Arena 6.
As Andrew finishes up his fiber optic light suit, he's adding in gesture control. Let's see how it works.
Andy is working on an audio control subsystem for his new fiber optic rave suit...let's check it out.
A look at the design considerations of rebuilding the fiber optic mounts for my light suit to accommodate new fiber optics and LEDs
I'd use this guy to tap into that 2x3 on the back, however please note that this isn't a JTAG connector, but the connector to program for the USB->JTAG interface IC. JTAG is only accessible over USB on this product. If you want to access JTAG lines on the FE310, you'll have to snag a Regular old RED-V
In it's current state, this board is not Arduino IDE compatible. The MK22FN128 Processor serves as a USB->JTAG interface (Pretty neat) to the FE310. Although it has a ridiculous amount of unused pins (It's an MCU doing a job well below it's pay-grade), this module is necessary as a USB->JTAG device to program the FE310.
All great points, this was my first ever design and I admittedly didn't really know what I was doing and have kind of been kicking myself ever since. I'll put together a revision now that it's been brought to my attention again. I think I could probably remove the Op amp altogether due to the internal PGA on the ADS1015. I'll also change that resistor divider to allow for a larger voltage swing
Hi Joel! To me, this sounds like an issue with clock stretching. The SHTC3 utilizes either clock stretching or it polls (pg.7) the SHTC3 while measurement is taking place. Particle Photon needs to have clock stretching specifically enabled in order for this sensor to be supported.
Does the sensor at least show up on an I2C bus scan?
Sure! Go ahead and click the text where I say "Few organization tools" and it'll download a zip of everything I've found moderately useful.
You should definitely completely solder header pins onto your Qwiic shield. If you don't have the pins soldered up, you probably won't make a good connection to the board.
The issue with having a 5th line be Interrupt or reset or something to that effect is that not all interrupts are the same, some are active high while most are active low. If there were a fifth line on Qwiic that were Interrupt, some sensors may try and pull it high, some may pull it low, leading to all sorts of issues. That's just the start, say we do have a fifth line and it's connected to interrupt, you receive an interrupt - but have no idea where it came from. Some sensors also have an interrupt input instead of an output, so one sensor firing an interrupt could trigger the interrupt input on another sensor when we wanted to trigger something on the microcontroller.
The solution to this problem is to have a dedicated GPIO to service the interrupt for each individual sensor so you know which sensor on the bus to ask for data when you receive an interrupt. If you had all of the interrupts bussed together, as you suggest, this option would not be possible as an interrupt from any one sensor would trigger an interrupt routine on all of the GPIO's connected to sensors (not good)
With a daisy-chainable system, sacrifices must be made.
It's this sweet low leakage diode which leaks only 100 nA at 50V.
The graph's look to be about 2 nA leakage at 3V
the 7-bit unshifted address is 0x32, however, the LSB determines whether a read or write occurs. Adding this LSB gives you 0x64 for a write and 0x65 for a read, but the base 7-bit address is still 0x32.
It is not, if we check out the schematic you can see that it is basically diode Or'ed with 3.3V into VDD on the RTC.