

Member Since: January 26, 2010

Country: United States

  • One important note: These come in two variations, one with the power connector on the DATA IN side (arrow "-->") and one with the power connector on the DATA OUT side (arrow "<--"). This is to allow you to more easily build larger displays, but may mean that if you're just buying one strip, the power connector is not located on the DATA IN side.

    Check for the arrows to figure out which side to feed data into.

  • It's all fun and games until a hamster gets decapitated :P

  • Given that SparkFun is in the US, it is probably safe to assume this is the 60kHz one (CMMR-6P-60), but this should be specified in the description. Out of the box the receiver is set up to receive only one of the 40, 60, or 77.5kHz bands. Although the chip is capable of dealing with all of them, in this configuration you have to do a bit of tinkering to get anything but WWVB (assuming this is the -60 kit).

  • I'm building an LED-based Analog Clock using a charlieplexed array of 128 size 0603 SMD LEDs driven by an ATmega644, on a custom BatchPCB board:
    Some videos are here:

  • This is a working hack to bypass RTS and use TXDEN from the FT232RL pin 13: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=11437053&l=7c89ad454b&id=503885429
    I even fixed the LED. This thing is fairly useless without the hack -- getting RTS working for this purpose is nearly impossible. SFE: Any idea why this wasn't set up like this in the first place?

  • Since it wasn't obvious to me, maybe it's not obvious to others as well: This crystal is useful primarily for generating stable UART baud rates in the 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600 series.

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