Member Since: July 4, 2018
Country: United States
Product DEV-14006 about 7 years ago
Hello, when you say that: "You can trigger about 20 files (2-3 seconds sound bites each) [...]so I recommend using OGG if more then 5-6 sound bites are to be used." does that mean that I can use a .ogg file of any size (as long as it fits in the memory)? So something like a minute of audio or so.
Also, when the board is looping a single file, is there any delay when the sound restarts, or is it istantaneous?
And finally, is there some certified site of yours where i can buy that ships to Europe(Italy)? I tried some of the sites suggested on your website, but they don't seem to sell your stuff. Thanks.
Celerity is the key whith this one...
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