

Member Since: August 5, 2010

Country: Chile

  • Can I use this block to power the i-Edison with 3v3?

  • Escribí una libreria en Visual C++ para el modulo GT511C1 solo tienes que cambiar algunas lineas en la funcion open del archivo gt511c1.cpp en la parte correspondiente al firmware para que sea compatible con el modulo GT511C3 ademas si vas a usar la funcion de recibir la imagen de la huella y el template cambiar los tamaños de los arreglos, mas adelante voy a escribir la libreria espeficicamente para este módulo cuando llegue a mis manos.. El código fuente esta en rapidshare en mi blog esta el link http://fernandezajp.blogspot.com/2013/07/modulo-biometrico-gt-511c1.html

  • I wrote a library for VC++, you can read my blog http://fernandezajp.blogspot.com/2013/07/modulo-biometrico-gt-511c1.html is a windows console application uncomments some lines in the _tmain function in Console.cpp to test the module

  • Mmm, maybe a problem with the firmware. I am coding a driver using VC2010 and I have problems with image download also, however I can perform the command "GetTemplate" but this command return the only the firmware version. They should provides a fixed firmware

  • Yes, you can if you use it along a micro controller; you should develop a library to manage it and provides this special feature

  • good idea, I had made one of these handmade


  • recently I bought my first mac, please switch to "no power" in your Avr Pocket Programmer, off course you should power your arduino board and voila you can now upload your program.

  • I cannot debug my Netduino Plus. The message is "the breakpoint will not currently be hit. the specified module has not been loaded"

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