

Member Since: October 29, 2010

Country: United States

  • Spark'd again!

  • You'd be surprised how little kids and cats are not dissimilar when it comes to chasing and pouncing on lasers :o

  • Yeah, I was not expecting to be pulled up on stage at the BAMF, but I wore my LED panels half-shirted and half-exposed while walking the exhibits because I know people like me want to know how things work and love seeing guts there. I got a lot of people inspecting the work behind it and yes most of it was simply "craft" (LED placing & wiring/weaving - dummy work) with the smallest hint of electronics ([de]multiplexing and timing circuitry) but it is FAR from finished ;)
    What showed up this year was a project with a "brain" that only sparkled flashed and displayed flowing rainbows, yeah been there done that. The panels themselves have the proven ability for animation which I'm currently working on making mobile (no more 486 w/ parallel port and windows 95!) My initial concept was going to be a throwback homebrew 6502 circuit - which I still intend to build, but I want more to go alongside this than that will provide.

No public wish lists :(