
Member Since: January 13, 2011

Country: Canada

  • The flip software does not work on this board to update the bootloader for me. Hit the reset button, selected AT90USB82 as the processor but cannot select USB. It just gives a few .dll errors. Tried on a windows 7 machine and an older windows XP machine. Has anyone else had luck? I might try and get a proper JTAG ice programmer and solder on the ICP connector to get the hex file in. Not sure of the fuse settings though.

  • This is a beautiful display and beats the backlit Nokia type LCDs any day. Just a bit on the expensive side.
    If anyone has had success uploading an image to the SD card and viewing it using arduino code then please let me know. I've loaded images using Graphics composer to the correct sector and tried with no luck displaying them.

  • Anyone have sample code for this display running on the Arduino? I've tried the Example AVR Code in the Documents section but I just get a ton of errors.

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