
Member Since: April 1, 2011

Country: United States

  • Hello SparkFun. "Github Home (Find the latest MaKey MaKey sketch here)" link points to, should be

  • Any chance certain cellphones might interfere with RF-ID readers? I have a continual serial read on an RF-ID reader hooked up to arduino ... I've had two cases where I was testing read values, and everything was working fine ... then someone stopped by in the vicinity, the the reading stopped (paused?) ... reading seemed to continue after they left the vicinity. Coincidence? or known problem? With mobile devices having all kinds of sensors, and the radios inside, I didn't want to rule out of the possibility. The strange thing is that I touched nothing ... the reader was working fine, then the person(s) showed up ... it stopped, they left, and it continued reading ... I work in my cube with a WP7 device on T-mobile, and I haven't had an issue ... Maybe these folks have a global Blackberry that emits a bunch of bad things? Not sure where 125kHz and cellphones fit in the spectrum ... guess I'll look that up to see if things make sense.

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