Member Since: May 13, 2011
Country: United States
News - According to Pete - June … about 13 years ago
i say projects. if you can Google the answer to the questions people ask they can too. hear that people.. stop being lazy >:[
Product DEV-11168 about 13 years ago
Does any one know of a tutorial the explains how to have it program the chip automatically after burning the boot loader? i have an idea but i do not want to use my little free time if someone else already figured it out and is willing to share...
Product COM-09119 about 13 years ago
mine does not appear to be linear... it is till about the last 1/2 inch when it jumps from like 160 something to 900 something... is this normal? :/
Product WRL-10269 about 13 years ago
could a xbox 360 wireless controller be linked through this to the arduino with out using a computer?
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